1250 Words

BELINDA In a split second, I saw how Damon transformed dramatically into his huge golden wolf. I looked and I had almost forgotten how massive Damon's wolf is compared to others. Mark’s wolf looked like a little puppy to Damon's wolf. “I am your king and you will obey me! NOW, KNEEL BEFORE YOUR KING!” It was like claps of lightning that thundered when Damon spoke to Mark as he whimpered and cowered, bowing his head in surrender to the wolf king. It was an intimidating sight as I saw everyone trembling literally. I think I peed myself too. “It worked! Long live the wolf king! I have seen him with my own eyes.” Papa Tunde laughed and clapped very loudly. Damon looked at Mark and said, authoritatively. “I don't need your wolf. Your work is done! Now, transform back.” And immediately,

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