Chapter 83: Frontal Attack

1298 Words

DAMON The main gate seemed peaceful with no one around it which seems usual. While in hiding, I took a big wood and entered the car. The others stayed in hiding amongst the bush. With my eyes closed, I dramatically took a deep breath and I geared the car to go in motion. I pressed the accelerator pad and geared the car louder to let the people know that we were coming. I had never done this before, and even when I knew that I would barely sustain a bruise, it didn't stop my heart from thumping very hard. When I was getting closer to the gate, I quickly wedged the steering wheel and the accelerator pedal with the big wooden stick and jumped out quickly. I have studied the watchtower well and I know that there's a blind spot and that is exactly when I timed it and jumped out of the car, l

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