Chapter 75: NOSTALGIA

1362 Words

REINA We got out of the car and walked for about ten minutes. It has been a very weird journey. When we started, it was obvious that Damon was mad at me for making out with Mark when I should be on duty. I felt a pang of guilt, that is why I even kept quiet. I didn't know how to defend myself, so it was a pretty uncomfortable ride to Blade Pack. But as we neared our destination, Damon suddenly blurted out to his mate just before we got to the gate. “It's better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all.” It was as though they were concluding a conversation they had been having. If I wasn't a skeptic, I'd say that they are psychically linked. Shortly after that, everyone reconciled to each other and all was right in the world again. Getting towards the territory of the Blad

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