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Coming to visit my mom for a week sounded like a great idea. But now that I'm here, all I want is to be home. Tony was going home to visit his brother. Tony's brother is in the military. He has three weeks before he gets shipped out again. His family was getting together to have a party before he left. Tony went down to help his mom prepare. I offered to go with him, but he said it was only going to be family and, since we are not married, he didn't think it was a good idea. Tony is my boyfriend. We have been together for three years now. I moved in with him a year ago. It was a huge deal. His family is very traditional. His mom is the patriarch of the family. Our first Christmas together, Tony brought me home with him to meet his family. His mom was very sweet, but it was very clear she was the one the family followed. If she liked you, then you are welcomed into the family with open arms. If she didn't like you well, you might as well just cut your losses and move on. She would cause problems until you finally had enough and left. I was welcomed with open arms. His mom loved me. That was until I told her I would not marry a man until I was with him for at least five years. She thought my five-year rule was stupid. "If you love someone, why does it matter when you get married?" She said to me when we were sitting at the kitchen table talking. Drilling me would be a better description. When the topic of kids came up, I cringed. I didn't want to think about kids right now. I was only twenty-two. My focus right now is not to flunk out of school. Kids were the last thing on my mind. I had plenty of time for that. Tony was older than me. He was twenty-nine. All his brothers and sisters were already married with kids. His mom was on him all the time about settling down and starting a family. So she was not happy that I was in no rush to get married or start a family. Needless to say, my relationship with her has been a little rocky since finding that out. I thought she would be happy when she found out we were moving in together. That we were taking that next step closer to marriage and a family. I could not have been more wrong. She didn't talk to Tony for three months. Tony's father finally had to intervene. His mom gave in and talked to him. She, however, completely shut me out. She refuses to say anything to me, and I am not welcome in her house until I stop forcing her son to live in sin. So when Tony mentioned visiting his family for the week, I quickly said I was going to go visit my mom. I didn't want to come between him and his family. I also knew that it would cause a huge issue if I went with him. To be honest, I was missing my mom. I had not been home in almost a year. We talked on the phone all the time but every break we got I went with Tony to visit his family. Well that was until we moved in together. Tony was my school adviser. That was how we met. My freshman year, I walked into his office, and we just hit it off. He was smart and funny and not bad looking. He helped me figure out what classes and credits I would need and set up my schedule. Afterward, he offered to show me around campus. We ended up in the coffee shop. We sat there talking for a few hours, then he took me out to dinner at a cute little restaurant in town. He was such a gentleman and so cute. I fell in love with his charm and sense of humor. We would hang out all the time after that. He would send me cute texts throughout the day. He was always telling me how much he missed me and checking in on me between classes. After a few months of hanging out every day, he took me out to dinner and asked me to be his girlfriend. To be honest, I already thought I was, so, of course, I agreed. In the beginning, it was hard. The day after I became his girlfriend, I saw him on campus in between classes. I ran over and threw my arms around him. He stopped me and pulled away. Of course, my feelings got hurt. I thought he was ashamed of me or something. But later that night we talked, and he explained that it would be frowned upon for him to date a student. He didn't want his colleagues to know about us. Not until I had finished school. At first, I was pissed. But it was his job and if he worked somewhere else, I would not be able to be affectionate with him. I been on my best behavior. Well, around people any way. There have been many occasions I have come to his office, and he has f****d me on his desk or on the couch in his office. I thought about just giving in and getting married. I mentioned it to him a few months ago, but he said he didn't want to rush me into anything and that he was okay waiting. I thought it was sweet that he wanted to wait until I was ready. Even with all the pressure his mom was putting on him. Being away from him now makes me question if his mom was right. Is my five-year plan stupid? I could be with him right now. We could be together instead of me missing him and wishing I was there. My mom yelled to me that she was leaving. She wouldn't be back for a few hours. I yelled back to her that I would see her later, then rolled over in my bed. Mom had a new boyfriend she was pretty serious about. She was spending all her time with him. I was happy for her, I really was.I was just hoping to get to spend sometime with her while I was here. I have been here for two days now and seen my mom maybe a total of one hour. She kept apologizing for not being home, but I couldn't blame her. I remember how Tony and I were when we first started dating. Everything was new and exciting. I was missing home. I missed Tony.
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