Chapter 14

1527 Words

On the face of it, little had changed in the fort as Cole rode in the following morning. The place continued to buzz with activity, so much so that nobody paid any attention to the filthy, tired-looking young man leading a sullen, round-shouldered ruffian slumped across a bedraggled mare. Without an exchange of words or looks, Cole dismounted and tied the reins of both horses at a hitching rail, and stretched out his back. He stood on the steps of the commanding officer’s quarters and nodded to the burly looking guard on sentry duty. “Is the Colonel inside?” The sentry studied Cole with a withering look. “Who wants to know?” “Name’s Cole. I was ordered to bring in this prisoner.” Cole gestured towards Cairns. “And, here he is.” Grunting a reply, the sentry turned, rapped on the door and

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