Chapter 4

1434 Words

The riders lit torches as they searched fruitlessly for the remnants of Cole and Renshaw’s camp. Crackling through the gloom, the sound of their frustrated voices could be clearly heard, with Cairn’s voice constantly urging and reassuring them. As they listened, Renshaw’s hand curled around Cole’s forearm, gripping him hard. “Damn it, I hate that man.” “Don’t cuss, Augustus.” Cole heard the violent intake of breath. His companion did not appreciate his sarcasm. “You shut your mouth, squirt, because you ain’t funny. Concentrate and be serious. Those burning torches have lit up their position beautifully. We can easily get around them. I shall move across to their rear as you take up a position in their flank. As soon as I open up, you do the same.” “You think that’s the best way, Augustu

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