Chapter 7

1270 Words
Pov Matthew I open up the door. Inside the room, laying on a bed was the most gorgeous guy I have ever laid eyes on, he was well built up, (of course not as much as me) his hear a mixture of brown and red, skin resembling the color of the snow, his pinkish lips looked as tender as a rose petal, he had long lashes and a cute button nose. He was not wearing a shirt however bandages cover up his torso and chest. My heart started speeding up, my palms were sweaty and my stomach was acting strange, I had no idea what was going on whit me. My head had a swirl going on. When suddenly Ezra shouted the word I have dreaded to ever hear out loud. "MINE!!" I was in utter disbelief. 'No' I fought back Ezra for control and ran out of that room. this could not be happening. "Matthew wait!" Declan shouted from behind, but I just kept running. Ezra was a whining mess and my heart swell from wanting to be with this unknown person, but I just ignored it all and kept on running. I ran until my feet hurt. I then stopped to scanned my surroundings, I was near the end of the border of my territory there was a big lake shimmering from the sunlight, the place itself was peaceful, I knew this place, I have been here several times before. When my father was killed by the council, my wolf and I did not take in so well the loos, we will use to go on endless runs the whole day, and on one of those days, we found this spot. The lake's water will always appease me. Day after day I will come to this place and just sit at the edge where my feet could get wet from the waves that the wind created. I have not been to this area in a very long time, however, the effect that had on me has not changed one bit. I sat on a big rock that was there and dipped my feet on the cold water. 'Ezra are you there?' I asked not expecting an answer. '..... yes.' I could hear how hurt and depressed Ezra was right now, and I knew it was my fault, after all, I took him away from his mate, his other half, his soul mate. 'Are you mad at me ?' 'No, I am not. I had known for a long time now that you had not intended to get a mate, you have told me yourself, and I understand the reasons as to why. However, that doesn't stop me from feeling the way I am feeling right now. So no I am not mad at you I am just sad.' I was speechless, my selfish acts were causing my wolf a tremendous amount of pain, yet he did not hate me nor did he hold up a grudge against me, and he also acts supportive of my decision. Ezra has known now for a while that I did not want a mate because I feared I might end up just like my father, and will live my pack, my friends, and family to deal on their own just like my dad did. "I will not end that way... cause I am going to reject my mate." Pov Declan "Ezra wait " I took off after Matthew but after a while, he outran me. 'What's wrong with him ?' 'Maybe he hasn't completely come back into his senses Dexter answered. 'This has been an overly long day for my liking. Let's just go back to the packhouse I know Matthew will come back eventually.' 'Yeh I agree' I turned around and headed back to the packhouse. I must have been tired and all worked up to not have noted the amazing smell coming in waves from inside the house, but once I finally notice it I rushed inside in search of the responsible for this fragrance one that I have already known too well. Once inside the house, I made my way into my room where my mate waited for me. Pov Sabrina A few days ago, when I was living from school I decided that I will walk myself home, it was not that of a long-distance, and if I shift I would make it in around 2 minutes, however today for some reason, I decided that I wanted to just walk in my human form. I took a big intake of air in my lungs and started to walk. Midway through my walk, I started feeling a little bit uneasy. I look at my surroundings but nothing seems to look out of place. I continued my walk until the feeling of been washed became too much, I fasten my pace but it was to no avail because the moment I started going on faster I was hired by what looked like a dart on my arm. I tried to keep on going but my legs became all wobbly and I fell to the ground, my eyes became heavier and heavier as the seconds went by. I fainted. That was the last memory I recalled. When I wake up from my sleeping spell, I looked around my surroundings and realized that I was in my mate's room. Was it all a dream? Have I imagined that happening? I was very confused at this point. Hoped off out of bed to stretched out a little, when suddenly in came my mate rushing towards me. I got a little startled and fell back on the bed. "Are you okay?!" A worried Declan said. "I'm fine, you just startled me a bit that's all." He then placed his arms around my torso and hugged me as if there was a tomorrow. He was acting a little bit strange I must say but I welcome this hug whit opened arms. "Declan this is really nice, but your acting as if I was going to disappear any second now." I sed with a little giggle scaping past my lips at the end. Declan stepped back a little and started staring at me with a puzzled looked on his face. "What's wrong ?" I wondered "Sabrina do you not know?" "Know what ?" "Sabrina, baby you were kidnapped by the council two days ago." "What !?" I sat there in complete shock. 'So my dream wasn't really a dream I thought to myself. "Sabrina I think we need to talk, something happen when you were gone concerning Matthew. Now I am going to tell you everything but I think it will be best for the both of us if we rest for a moment before I let you know." "What do you mean something happens to Matthew ?" Is he ok? Was he kidnapped as well? Has been hurt?" I started ranting nonstop Declan approached me and hugged me once more this time soothing me and reassuring me that everything was okay. "Hey shh... it's okay, everything is fine Matthew is fine, I am sorry I shouldn't have said it that way." "I want to know what's wrong with my brother." "And I will let you know everything without skipping any detail, however, I think I'd the best if you rest first." I hesitated a little but my wolf Stela reassuring me that everything was okay, was what made me obey my mate. I went back to bed and cuddle up with Declan It didn't take me long before the release of dreams claimed my body.
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