The Process of Healing

1111 Words
Ryker fell to his knees at the words that came out of his mate's mouth. He sat out there for hours begging her to let him in but she never responded. he knew she was by the door because he could hear her crying. He stood up and started walking away. He was almost to his pack's village when he heard a voice behind him. If you leave her now she will never heal. He will find her again but this time she won't escape. He will break her and your bond and then make her his mate. Go back to her Ryker. Fight for her. Fight for my daughter please. Ryker turned around and saw the moon goddess standing behind him. She won't even speak to me. She feels like you abandoned her. If you walk away you will only validate those feelings. Please go back to her. He's coming for her. Break down the door, and take her home. NOW. Ryker shifted and took off for his mate. He broke the door down, and grabbed her before she could even react. He got them to the pack house as fast he could. he set her on the couch and shifted back. She stood up and went to leave again. He pushed her back down on the couch. I DID NOT ABANDON YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!! The tears streaming down his face caused Talia to stay on the couch. Then why did you not come for me? I was in there for days and you never came. What the hell are you talking about! You were only there for a few hours. We had just came up with a game plan and were about to leave when you mind linked with us. What do you mean? He took me at 8 on Friday. Baby it's 11:30 and still Friday. Jade knelt down beside her daughter. Sweetie no one abandoned you. Talia looked at the people standing around her tears streaming down her face. She walked up the stairs and went to their bedroom. She shut the door behind her and slid down it. She cried on that floor for what seemed like hours to her. She finally got up and locked the door. She took a shower and put on one of her mate's shirts. She turned off the lights and got into bed. Ryker sat outside their bedroom door all night. Hearing her cry and not being able to comfort her tore him apart. He didn't sleep but neither did she. Her cries, and screams made him want to break down the door but he knew that would only make things worse for her. The next morning he got up from the floor and went down to the kitchen to get some coffee. Jade and Celine were waiting for him. Celine walked over to her son.Sweetie go with your dad and Tyler. Let us try to get her to come out. Mom I can't leave her. Son sometimes it takes a mother's touch. Trust us please. He looked up and mind linked with his mate. I promise I will return. I love you baby. Please remember that. He got no response but he knew she had heard him. He kissed both women on the cheek and walked out. Celine looked at Jade and said OK let's get this started. Celine got a key from the mantle above the fireplace. She unlocked the bedroom door. Talia shut up from the bed. Why are you in here? I don't want to talk to anyone. Jade walked up to her daughter and slapped her. I did not go through 9 years of pure hell for you to treat me like this. Sweetie you have to let us in. We need our luna. Without you the bond between us is weak. Bond? Celine and Jade took her hands in theirs and said unbreakable bond. Talia felt this powerful sensation wash over her. RYKER! She tore out of the house screaming for her mate. He ran to her. I'm here baby I'm here. He took her into his arms and carried her back to their room. He laid her on the bed and got in behind her wrapping her in his arms. She turned and faced him. I am so sorry for what I said. I know baby It's OK. Please don't shut me out anymore. Let me help you. Tears poured from her eyes as she told him every horrible detail of what Julius had done to her. Anger coursed through Ryker's body but he remained silent letting her get all of it out. When she was done he wiped the tears from her eyes. He looked deep into her eyes and said I love you and I will never leave you. You are still my beautiful amazing wife. Do you hear me? Yes I hear you. He kissed his wife. Now what do we need to do to get you better? She smiled at him and said it's gonna take time for the emotional wounds but the physical ones are already healed. Though I'm gonna have some bad ass scars. For the next few days the nightmares she experienced shook her to her core. The entire pack felt her pain and heard her screams. Thursday morning Talia woke up from her first restful sleep since her abduction. She had gotten through the nightmare portion of her healing process. Now she just needed to get through the emotional pain of the process. Let your mate help you she heard a voice say. Your bond with him can heal you. Talia mid linked with her mate. Please come here my love. I need your help with something. Ryker was in their bedroom in record time. What's wrong baby? Nothing is wrong but I need your help please shut the door. Ryker shut the door and got onto the bed with his mate. He took her hands into his. I will help with whatever you need baby. She looked him in the eyes and said I need you to help me heal emotionally. He knew immediately what she meant. He got undressed and got into bed with his mate. He kissed ever scar and every place that Julius had touched and hurt. When he finally pushed inside her they opened up to each other the same way they had on their wedding night. Talia felt every pain, every memory wash away with every touch and kiss from her mate. She had finally gotten through her healing process. Never again would she let that bastard break her. This time she would the one to break him.

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