Chapter Twelve-2

2001 Words

"I know. That's why I don't use them on you unless I am right there or you want them. Nasty, dangerous little bastards." "Right. Horrible. They not only squeezed my n*****s, but seemed to be intent upon wrenching them from their attachment to my t**s. When you close them, the tiny teeth take a sort of circular grip, actually twisting the flesh. But they were on and I was too close to finishing up, so I just went ahead, closed the eye holes in the hood and locked on the wrist manacles behind my back." Sandy stopped and sat looking intently at Jim. He stared back at her, wondering what was going on. "So?" he said finally. "So? Are you kidding? I had f****d myself royally. Did I mention that the overhead pulley chain from my elbows was connected to my very closely locked feet?" "No, I don

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