Chapter Four-1

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Chapter Four Speicifications "I really don't care what else it has, but it has to have a tub," said Sandy to Jim as they drove to inspect yet another house. "I know, I know," Jim said, "and this house meets the specification to a T. It has two of them, actually three, if you count the one in the maid's quarters. One upstairs and two down. They are old style, cast iron tubs with the claw feet and they are in beautiful shape… like you," he added, smiling as he studied Sandy's perfect figure. So they bought the old house, using some of Jim's savings and a tiny fraction of Sandy's recently acquired fortune left to her in her father's will. She told him early in the relationship that although she didn't need to work because she had an inheritance, the museum job was important to her. They needed no mortgage and so they were able to move in the next week. The one upstairs bath was not in very good condition, so they used the larger and more modern one downstairs while Jim renovated the upper one. He had other plans for the maid's quarters. "I'm going to do some really special things there," he told Sandy as he reminded her to stay out of the maid's rooms and bath. He said that until he was finished, it was not only hazardous with the floors torn up and all the fixtures being moved around, but that he wanted to surprise her when it was completed. She agreed. Meanwhile, he and a plumber friend quickly went to work on the upstairs bath, first knocking out a wall to enlarge the room and then moving in what looked like tons of tile and new fixtures. "Well, honey," Jim said on a rainy Saturday six months later. "It's done. Come on up and take a look." Sandy mumbled to herself that she could have rebuilt the Roman Baths in the time it had taken to redo the room, but said nothing more and wore a big smile as she went up the stairs to the second floor and down the hall to the new bathroom. Jim opened the door, which Sandy noted was beautifully finished, with heavy, solid wood, and polished brass bands reinforcing the entire door and frame. She stepped into the room. White. Nearly everything was brilliant white. The floor, walls and ceiling were all covered in exquisite hand-made, hand-painted, glossy ceramic tile with gray accent bands on the white border of the tile around the baseboard and at the top of the walls. Each tile had tiny black drawings or Japanese characters. The sinks, toilet and built-in cabinets were also white with gold colored hardware fixtures. The recessed lighting in the ceiling gave off a uniform, brilliant white light. Jim showed her how the lighting could be adjusted to any level and reduced to a soft, somewhat eerie green glow. "That's for when you want to soak in the tub and contemplate your floating n*****s," he said laughing. They had kidded before while sharing a bath that Sandy's breasts floated high in the water and looking towards her feet, all she could see were her twin nips, looking like two perfectly rounded mounds of whipped cream with a cherry on top, sticking up through the soapy water. But the tub, the one thing that had originally brought about the renovation, was gone and in its place was a much larger, rectangular, Jacuzzi style, black enamel tub, set in a raised platform dais. Looking in wonder at this monster tub, Sandy noted casually that it seemed to have more odd features than she might have expected. Of course, it had zero resemblance to the antique cast iron tub she expected, but, unlike most Jacuzzis, it had no seats. Large, chromed, deep drains were set at each corner. These drains extended outward from the sides instead of just going down into the floor. On the floor adjacent to the tub were two small, handmade wooden stools, like those used in Japanese baths. "How elegant," Sandy managed to say, leaning over and inspecting the curious drains and the magnificent ebony finish of the tub with its chromed brass fixtures and deep bottom. "The drains are a bit large, aren't they?" "Haven't you ever been annoyed at how long it takes a bathtub to drain?" Jim asked. "Well, yes. I suppose so. And I admit that contemporary designs always seem to have the same old slow drain at one end. These look much more efficient. I suppose the extra plumbing is one reason most tubs stick with the old way." "Exactly," said Jim. "These are most efficient." "How did you manage to get this up here without my knowing about it?" Sandy asked. "I had it custom-made at the factory," said Jim happily. "The old cast iron one that was here is now in the garage and undergoing some renovations of its own. Eventually, it may go in the downstairs bath. I know you are going to love this. Why not try it right now?" "Now?" Sandy asked, incredulously. It was midday and she was wearing her usual short shorts and tee shirt. "Now," Jim said, a bit forcefully. "Okay. Get my shampoo and soap from downstairs, Jim." She looked a bit annoyed at him, shrugged, turned on the hot water taps, put up her hair and started to undress. Ten minutes later Sandy was luxuriating in the warm, soapy water of her new tub. Her head rested on a thick white towel wrapped around the seat of one of the wooden stools, which turned out to be just right to act as a bath pillow and kept her head out of the water. She was initially pleased and surprised to find that the tub was much, much longer and wider than most Jacuzzi tubs and accommodated her entire length with space left over at the head and foot. But she was a bit annoyed that it had no molded-in seats and that she kept sliding towards the foot of the tub, even with her head on the stool. "This thing is huge," she said, adding more bubble soap to the water. "I love it," she said. "Want to join me?" "No, honey, I think I'll just watch your boobs float," Jim said laughing. Three hours later, the shouting and complaining had finally stopped and Sandy lay in the tub, trying to understand what was happening. When she pushed the chromed switch that said "drains," the four corner drains opened up quickly, so quickly that first her feet and then her hands had been sucked into the large drain holes and held there while the water surged out of the massive tub. Inside the drainpipes, something grabbed her ankles and wrists, holding them tightly. A bit fearfully, she first struggled and then allowed the water to rush past her into the drains, assuming that when it was all gone, the suction would stop and she would pull hands and feet out of the porcelain tubes. However, that didn't happen. When all the water was gone, Sandy realized that her wrists and ankles were firmly gripped in the four holes, holding her helplessly flat, slightly spread, against the bottom of the tub. She screamed for Jim, who came running into the room, looked at her and began to laugh. "What's so funny," an annoyed and helpless Sandy yelled at him. "This thing has got me trapped. Get me out of here, now!" "Hummn," Jim contemplated. "I don't think so. This is your new tub and you should get used to it. You're going to stay there for a while, Sandy. At least until you make the changes in your trust fund and estate." "What?" Sandy shouted. "Are you nuts? You are not going to get a single dime if you don't release me right now." "Release you?" said Jim, laughing. "I'm not holding you there. Release yourself." "You son of a b***h. You designed this thing. Now get me out of it." "Now, now, love. This is your tub. You specified a tub as a requirement for this house and now you have it. Later on, you may even have two to choose from, so lie back and enjoy it." "I want out right now. I'm cold and need to dry off." "I think you are quite well positioned for the moment," Jim said. "f**k you," Sandy hissed, tugging at her widely spread legs and her pinioned arms above her head. "In fact," added Jim, undoing his belt and taking off the rest of his clothes. "You are in the ideal position to do just that." "Do what, you asshole?" "For you to f**k me. I know all too well that being restrained as you are is a turn on for you, so there's no need for preliminaries. We can just get right to the main event," Jim said. "You'll do nothing of the kind," Sandy said, shaking her head as she realized that yes, she was in fact aroused by the rigid bonds on her ankles and wrists. Even the stretched position was slowly winding her up. "I think I'll join you just to get the feel of the new tub." He finished stripping, exhibiting a massive hard-on jutting out from his lower belly, and climbed into the tub, kneeling between her spread legs. "I'm warning you, you asshole, this is going to get you in a lot of trouble," Sandy spat, as Jim adjusted his positioning, resting on his knees and elbows and putting his throbbing d**k up against her wet, slightly spread lower lips. "I don't see any problem here. You are already wet and ready, so here you go…" and he rammed his erection deep into her supposedly unwilling cunt, listening to her shrieks and moans as he began to thrust rhythmically. "You bastard," Sandy muttered, her breath coming more quickly now as Jim rummaged deeply in her swollen and now sopping cunt. "You… bast… ard." Her hips jerked suddenly and then began to grind along with his thrusts while she continued to pull at her bound arms and legs, muttering threats and curses at him, but now arching upwards with her lower body and meeting his thrusts with her own. They f****d in the tub for nearly an hour, with Jim coming twice and Sandy begrudgingly having more than one orgasm. Jim finished and pulled out, stepped out of the tub, and turned on the water until Sandy was mostly covered. He added liquid soap, scrubbed her entire body with the bath sponge, then drained the tub again and rinsed her off with the telephone style showerhead. All the while, Sandy babbled and cursed, tugging endlessly at her arms and legs, but getting nowhere. "Let me out," Sandy again pleaded, but with far less intensity than before. "No. Not today. You're in a nasty mood and there's no call for it. I redo the bathroom, get you this gorgeous, monster, hot tub and you curse me," said Jim, toweling her off carefully and making sure she was dry. "Maybe tomorrow, if you maintain a more accommodating tone of voice." "Not a chance," she said, returning to her earlier angry voice. "Okay. I can wait. You'll change your mind sooner or later," Jim said agreeably as he turned the lighting down to its lowest level and left the room, closing and locking the heavy hardwood door. Sandy screamed and hollered and Jim was pleased to note that almost no sound left the echoing white chamber of the bathroom. "Works pretty well," Jim said to himself. "Better than I expected. Wonder when she'll realize there's no window." A few hours later, Jim returned to the now nearly silent bath and showed his girlfriend the special addition he had for her. "This is not a normal gag," he said, showing her an odd-looking mass of leather straps, small hoses and hardware in his hand. "This will allow you to get fed and watered but will not permit you to say much." "You are nuts. Completely insane," Sandy retorted angrily, twisting her lovely, fit body as much as her bonds allowed. "Now let me out of here or you will be sorry," she spat, tugging again at her tightly stretched arms and legs. Jim reached over to the control panel at the head of the tub and touched a switch that looked like it controlled the Jacuzzi, but instead Sandy's limbs were pulled further into the drains, holding her even tighter until she was stretched rigidly from the four corners of the tub. She howled like a wounded wolf. "Here," said Jim helpfully, bending over the tub and jamming the new gag into her wide open, screaming mouth. They struggled. At least they struggled as much as a stretched one hundred twenty pound, fully restrained female could struggle against her two hundred pound boy friend who was shoving a metal and rubber gag into her mouth.
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