Chapter Two-1

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Chapter Two Meeting Sandy was, as usual, late for work, but since she was a volunteer and her family was a consistently top-drawer contributor of needed cash gifts to the museum, no one said anything to her. It had been a monumentally exhausting night for her. The moment she came home from work, checked her phone messages and made a quick salad for her dinner, Sandy plunged into her other world. The featured paraphernalia of the evening was a long coil of hemp rope that she ordered on line and was anxious to try out. Using the illustrations from a book she often read and studied, Sandy arranged all of the gear she would need, took a quick shower and began the ritual binding that would, if it worked out, encompass her entire naked body and secure her for the night. With each loop around her body, each knot tied just so, she used the doubled length of rope to create a body-enveloping net of coarse hemp. She discovered that although the book was not written for self-bondage practitioners, it did not point out that once she had wrapped her upper torso in a symmetrical pattern of rope, it would be extremely difficult to bend enough to extend the rope enclosure to below her waist. After multiple attempts to proceed further, Sandy painstakingly removed the torso rope and started once again, this time beginning with her ankles and working upward, encircling her shins and calves, then her knees, then her narrow thighs. When she got to her crotch, she again studied the book's instruction, threading the doubled rope through her legs and bringing it up the buttock divide, then wrapping it around her waist and again taking the double strands between her legs. She carefully separated the four ropes so that two were snugly inside her p***y and the other two on the outside of her lips, making a stimulating and symmetrical pattern before she finished that segment behind her back, leaving a special slip proof loop for her hands later. Sandy then decided that perhaps a couple of self starting dildoes might help, so she hopped over to her dresser, selected two from the many in her drawers and lubricated them to her satisfaction. At times in her erotic self-disciplined life, Sandy purposely avoided using lubricants on the objects she used to penetrate her own cunt and ass. Her rationale for electing this often painful alternative was to simulate being raped by parties she imagined in her dreams or fantasies. But, in this case, she used the chosen assist from something called SlipperySlip, and thus the two automated dongs went in easily, bypassing the tight rope barriers she had already erected. Once inside, they settled in, giving her an occasional jolt on a random schedule that she was pretty sure would last, because of the recently charged batteries, intermittently, all night. The binding of her upper torso took longer and she struggled to set the various rope segments so that she would later be able to slip her arms into them and have the ropes draw tight, holding her captive in the most pleasant fashion. As the rope patterns rose up to her chest, Sandy again consulted the book's text, seeking the options offered, based on the size of one's breasts and how much tension the subject would/could withstand. She chose the most extreme, which involved a series of rope loops around her chest, above and below her t**s, with locking knots on either side of each breast and another in the center cleavage. This system put pressure on her chest, affected her breathing and squashed her more than adequate t**s horizontally, forcing the n*****s forward and creating a shiny, pear-shaped form for each breast. Knotting this portion of rope securely, Sandy installed the remaining rope over her shoulders and then, with great care, around her neck using a knot that would prevent the neck loops from tightening. The full-length mirror in her bedroom provided Sandy with an erotic view of her bound figure and she was already panting slightly from the full body stimulation caused by the meters and meters of hard rope wound around her figure, cutting into her cunt and forcing her t**s outward with the n*****s hard and pointing. Her final moves were calculated to allow her to get into the bed, snap an external rope attached to the bottom of the steel bed frame to her rope-bound feet and connect another rope already attached to the headboard to her chest web. The other necessary move was to slip the leather discipline hood over her head, close the laces and zippers and make sure that she could breathe easily with it in place. Inside the hood was a breather's gag, which filled her mouth, but allowed air to move freely through the center of the hard rubber ball gag. With the foot and chest retainer ropes locked in place, she tested to see how much movement she had allowed herself and was pleased to conclude that once she slipped her arms down into the torso network of rope and secured her wrists behind her, she would a have very little latitude for movement. She also knew that based on the tension and pattern of the ropes, certain movements would tighten segments of the rope in her crotch and around her breasts, eventually bringing the thrilling s****l spasms she craved. The hood went on easily. She wore it so often that it was actually molded to her head's shape and thus was instantly comfortable. She closed the laces, pulling them tight until the edges of the hood met, then tied them off and pulled the zippers shut. Inside the hood, Sandy experienced a combination of fear and excitement. This feeling was, she thought, much like the kind of feeling people said they experienced when they were enclosed in a full body bag, emulating a return to the womb. The smell of leather mixed with the faint tar-like aroma of the hemp rope were incredibly seductive and Sandy rushed the last few stages in order to get to the enjoyment that came from drifting off to sleep totally restrained in rope and leather. The double dildoes appropriately buzzed their vibes and Sandy worked up a sweat as she forced her arms down along each side until the rope loops held them tight. Her final move was to insert her hands into the fixed rope loops at the base of her spine. The size of the fixed loops was correct and once her hands were inside their grip, it would take a conscious effort on Sandy's part to free them. At their assigned time, the house lights went out. Sandy was already immersed in her role-play with the dildoes buzzing now and then and the pleasant, secure tension of many yards of hemp rope holding every part of her figure enclosed, her limbs restrained, no longer able to respond to her commands. Sandy went through several different versions of her fantasy, but with each one, the unpredictable vibrations of the artificial pricks up her ass and cunt functioned as interrupters that, in her mind, signaled yet another stranger taking her, using her for their own s****l purposes. Her mind/body reactions to this intense game brought her the orgasms she worshipped. This was the rationale for her unusual fetish and behavior. She knew it was addictive, but she had not ever experienced anything else as intense and overwhelming. This was why she persisted in the nightly games. This was her reason for living. Nothing else really mattered. *** She was late for work because she had spent too much time trying to cover up her bruises and scars. The mark around her neck was easily hidden by the fashionable turtleneck sweater and its long cuffs did a good job of hiding the bluish indentations on each wrist. Since it was winter, her boots sufficed to hide the marks on her ankles and lower legs and the long skirt did the same for the marks just above her knees where the rope made indentations that lasted longer than she expected them to. It was the deep impressions at the corners of her pretty mouth, the long horizontal stripes from the hood that went from her mouth to the back of her head, that she was unable to camouflage completely with make-up and a revised hairstyle. So, she spent most of her day avoiding any of her associates and certainly not meeting anyone else's curious eyes. When Jill, her associate who helped plan for new exhibits and handled most of Sandy's schedule, asked her if there was anything wrong, Sandy said that she had slept badly and, pointing to the marks on her face, said that she had new bed linens which she didn't like and which tended to wrinkle too much. "I know what you mean," Jill said brightly. "I sleep with my hand under my cheek and sometimes I get this deep pit on my skin from my rings or bracelets. I always forget to take that stuff off and in the morning there are these deep gouges in my skin." "Really?" Sandy asked. She had never noticed this with Jill, so she wasn’t sure if her friend was trying to make her feel better or if maybe she was too self-conscious about her own marks. "Not to worry," Jill said. "Want me to slap you around? That will get rid of one mark and leave you with another." Jill laughed. "No thanks. I know where I can get whacked if I want it," Sandy said, referring to the more or less well known fact that only a few months ago she showed up at work with a black eye. She told everyone the truth, that her girlfriend Liz's boyfriend, Stan, showed up uninvited at her apartment and punched her out of anger about Sandy's talking the woman out of their engagement. Sandy declined to file charges, but Stan insisted on giving her $10,000 and a letter of confession and apology as compensation. Sandy endorsed the check over to the museum. As the two women walked through the second floor exhibits, taking written notes about where a new display would go, Sandy saw a man she thought she knew sitting in front of the Pell Helicopter on display as an example of modern technology and functional design. There was something about this man that drew her to him and before she even thought about it, she was standing in front of him, offering him a brochure. "Can I help you?" Sandy asked, smiling her best smile and bending over slightly so that she was looking into his dark brown eyes. Subconsciously, Sandy wished she was wearing something with a low cut neck line. "Ah, no. I don't think so," he said, returning her gaze and doing the usual male thing of running his eyes quickly from her eyes down to her chest and further, then quickly standing up and smiling at her. "You work here?" he asked lamely, seeing the nametag on her sweater. "No. They just let me roam around, checking on great looking guys who have a thing for helicopters. I'm Sandy," she added, extending her warm hand. "I'm sorry, but I thought you looked familiar. I don't mean to interrupt." "You're not interrupting. I was just enjoying the quiet. I'm Jim. Jim Pell," he said, carefully taking and holding her hand in his while still checking out her chest and pretending to read the brass nametag. "This, by the way, is my family," he said, nodding at the helicopter. "You're James Pell?" Sandy asked, looking astonished. "Ah, yes, I am. And I was wondering if you'd have dinner with me tonight." Sandy blushed as she had not blushed in years. "Why, of course, Mister Pell," she said impulsively without missing a beat. "I would be pleased to. Where and when? I'll be there with an armed guard, just in case I need a chaperone." "Jim," he said, softly, so as not to disturb the library-like atmosphere of the museum. *** At dinner, he asked her about herself and said that he was not in the habit of asking women he didn't know out to dinner. "I'm not inclined to impulsively accept either," Sandy replied, reaching for her water glass. He noticed the bruise on her right wrist. The one on the left arm was camouflaged by her wide watchband, but as the cuffs on her blouse and jacket slipped upwards a bit when she reached for the glass, the circular marks on the right wrist became the topic of a light query. "What happened there?" he asked, nodding to her raised hand. "I…ah…had a small accident," Sandy said slowly, not wanting to break the fairyland beauty and excitement of the evening with this gorgeous man. Unconsciously she pulled her sleeve down just as he reached across the table, took her left hand in his and pushed up the sleeve on that arm. "Sandy," he said. "I am a pretty good judge of people and if this offends you kick me in the shin, hard, but I suspect you may be into b**m. Am I right?" She kicked him lightly and lowered her head. Her smile was gone. "Sorry," he said quickly, releasing her hand. "It's just that I may be able to help you… if you'll let me." "BDS… M?" she said. "I'm not sure I know what you mean." "I'm probably going to regret this," Jim said. "But it means Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism. Ever heard of it?" "Ah, yes," she said hesitantly, wondering if she could possibly let this stranger into her fantasy/fetish world. "I know. Maybe that's the right term for it. I have dreams about it…" she said slowly, not looking at him. "I fantasize a lot and sometimes get personally involved." "Alone?" "Yes. No one else knows." "Are you comfortable with this?" "I see a shrink, I go to SA meetings, but it's not helping with the guilt." "SA?" "Submissives Anon," Sandy said quietly. "I feel guilty even talking about it." "What's there to feel guilty about? You tie yourself up. Right. Who or what are you hurting?" "It's an addiction. I'd like to curb it… somehow. I'm afraid I may take it too far." "And hurt yourself more than bruised wrists?" "Yes. I just bruise too easily and sometimes I get carried away." "And on your neck too? I noted the turtleneck." "Yes. I read somewhere that it could lead to suicide." "That's crap. Bondage and…." He lowered his voice in the already quiet restaurant. "B&D activities seldom go in that direction, especially if you've been at it for a long time." "As far back as I can remember." "Cowboys and Indians. Cops and robbers, yeh?" "Yes." "Me too," he confessed, smiling. "I loved being able to tie up the others, especially the girls." "I enjoyed it until it got nasty. When the boys tried to cop a feel while they were doing it." "Every activity has its dark side." The rest of the meal and later on that night in a quiet bar in a nearby hotel, they talked about their shared interest. He took her home, kissed her goodnight and said he'd phone to get her up in time for work. For the first time in weeks, Sandy was in the museum office ten minutes early that morning. They met again for dinner and that night she stayed at his place. They had anxious but normal s*x. Over the next few weeks, they saw a lot of each other and although they talked about the b**m scene as though they were observers rather than participants, they limited their play to soft bondage with a few silk scarves and her panty hose. A month later, she moved in and within a few months they were searching for a house of their own.
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