Chapter 9

994 Words

I hug mom tightly. "Remember to train every day, and to eat a lot of food so you don't feel sick. I love you," she mumbles to me and I smile as I let her go. "Take care of her," Dad pats Jake on the back as I walk out of the house pulling two suitcases behind me. I hear Jake pull the other suitcase and I wait for him to unlock the car doors. "I'll put them inside," he says to me as he opens the boot of the car. I stay quiet and leave him to the suitcases as I sit in the back of the car. Not going to sit in the front. I wait for him to finish. He sits in the driver's seat and sighs as he pulls away from my house. "Are you going to talk to me?" Jake asked as he followed a straight road. I stay quiet and stare out of the window. "I want you Beth. I really do," You're like a sister to

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