Chapter 38

980 Words

"Look at you, Selina. You're Weretiger. A rare bloodline. Your bloodline," He chuckles to himself "Your bloodline is powerful. So powerful, you alone could destroy this world if you wished. You could burn this world to ashes and start a new world for yourself. Your magic- it's powerful and dangerous and magnificent," He stares at me in awe. "I want your power. I want all the elements inside of me. I need that blonde guy's power and I need the little girl you protected yesterday. I need all of their power so I can destroy this world and build a new one. You can be by my side if you want or I could kill you along with everyone else that annoys me," He sighs muttering how easily people annoy him. I stare at him as he continues talking. "Carter, the one with the earth magic. He came from a l

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