Chapter 15

1052 Words

“And can someone find out how the f**k they got inside?” he lets out a growl, and everyone scatters. I stay. “Go Selina,” he sighs, and turns his body away from me. “I'm sorry,” I whisper. I'm sorry because this is all my fault. I'm sorry because if I was honest with you, maybe this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry because I don't trust you yet. I'm sorry for being the reason this little boy is dead. “You don't have anything to be sorry for. Now just go. I've got things to sort out,” he replies and then walks away quickly. I turn around to see Susan heading my way. “Can I stay with you today?” she asks and I nod a small smile on my face. As much as she needs it, I need it more. I need to feel like I'm not alone in this world. I'm here. I'm just trying to find out who sent the rogu

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