Chapter 13

1033 Words

“It's so nice! And oh my god Selina, I saw birds!” He gasps loudly, “They were flying in the sky so high. I wish I could touch them. And Selina! I'm going to go to school too! I love this Pack. I'm not in the basement anymore,” He claps his hands at me excitedly and then frowns all of a sudden. “But I miss mummy,” He whispers and my heart breaks for him. “Everyone say I got a new mummy, but I don't want a new mummy. I only want one mummy,” He sighs loudly, “Oh and I went to this new house too. I have my own room!” He claps his hands to me again, “And it's so big! Wait. Where do you sleep Selina? Not in the basement right?” He tries to whisper quietly but he's not successful as I hear a quiet growl behind me. “No. I have this big room too,” I smile at him. “Tell me more. Did you go see

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