Chapter 10

998 Words

His eyes glaze over again, and I sit there looking like a lost chicken. We're a tiger. A chicken, Kai scoffs and I roll my eyes mentally. "What's your rank?" He asks all of a sudden. I turn to look at him again a little confused. I'm new to this pack, that's why he's asking. "Omega," I reply back and I notice him shift away a little. Barely noticeable if I wasn't paying attention closely. He stands up, and runs a hand through his hair again, pulling on the ends a little. Frustrated. "You haven't shifted, have you? I can't smell that you're a wolf," and you can't smell if I'm something different either because of Kai. She hides my different scent. "No I haven't. Is that a problem?" I ask defensively. Mates are supposed to want you no matter what. My mum was a late shifter and my dad

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