Chapter 3

916 Words
I treaded behind Alpha Jacob, descending towards the subterranean cells that housed the pack's captives. As we passed each cell, I felt the stares of the imprisoned, turning my gaze downward to avoid their scrutiny. Reaching the last cell, Alpha Jacob unlatched the door, stepping aside to allow me entry. No guards flanked the cells; Alpha Jacob insisted on doing his own inspections at this ungodly hour. It was always me, and no one dared defy the Alpha. Entering the cell, I moved towards the chains hanging from the wall as he shut the door behind us. I stood still as he secured the silver chains around my wrists, the cold metal a brutal reminder of my plight. "Such an obedient little wolf...or are you a wolf?" he whispered, his nose tracing a path down to my neck. Instinctively, I hunched my shoulders, barring him from further exploration. Alpha Jacob had no mate. His advances towards the women of our pack were well known; they eagerly threw themselves at him, and he reveled in their attention. Thoughts of my own potential mate filled me with dread. Would he want a mate who was only half herself? A mate was an alien concept in my life, an undesired complication. "Just be a quiet little girl, and this will be easy," he offered a cruel grin. I nodded, fixing my gaze on the floor. As he exited the cell to retrieve his preferred whip, a sigh escaped my lips. His departure signalled three minutes of reprieve, a small window of time during which I could connect with the others. "Selina!" Hank's voice rang out, bringing a smile to my face. "Hey guys," I responded, my eyes straining to see their figures in the dimly lit basement. "Mummy asks how are you?" Hank, a five-year-old who was incarcerated with his mute mother after his father was executed for betraying the Alpha, shouted from his distant cell. "Yeah, how are you?" Adam chimed in, his inquiry sending a blush across my cheeks. Adam, a handsome 23-year-old incarcerated for five years due to fratricide, always managed to lock eyes with me as I traversed the basement. His playful smirk and occasional winks always set my heart aflutter. "I think you've made her speechless," Alice teased, her voice betraying the eyeroll I knew accompanied her words. Alice, Adam's sister, always had a knack for lightening the mood. “Well-” Adam began, only to be cut off. “I'm okay guys. Now shut up because he's coming back,” I warned hastily. A low growl echoed in the stillness of the basement, unmistakably Hank’s. Despite only being five years old, Hank harbored an intense loathing for Alpha Jacob. His life had been stripped of typical childhood joys—no school, no friends, no freedom—instead, he was raised within the cold confines of these cells. The inmates here, about fifteen of us, were his only companions. Some were silent, their minds consumed by their wolves, while others managed to maintain some semblance of conversation. The sound of the basement door creaking open echoed in the silence, my heart sinking at the familiar footfalls that followed. “Well let's get back to work then,” he stated nonchalantly, sending a shiver down my spine. This was it. The brutal onslaught. The pain. The blood. The piercing screams. The pleas for mercy. As the first lash of Alpha Jacob’s whip connected with my back, I forced my mind to wander, to drift away from the excruciating pain. My breath hitched in my throat, but I clenched my teeth, trying to stifle any audible signs of my suffering. What would a different life look like? A life without chains, without torture? My mind instinctively recoiled at such thoughts, convinced that hope was a dangerous luxury. An uncontrollable scream tore from my lips as another lash found its mark, followed by another, and another, each one stronger and more brutal. “Please...stop,” my voice broke with a sob, tears streaming down my face. I should have been accustomed to this by now, but the pain was just as raw and unbearable as the first time. “What was that? More you say?” he chuckled darkly, gripping the handle of the whip tighter. He unleashed another round of lashes, each one eliciting a scream from me that echoed around the cellar. Even though silver was harmless to me as a werewolf, when Alpha Jacob wielded it against me, it was a completely different story. Tears streamed down my face, my body shuddering from the pain. “I think that's enough,” he finally decided, dropping the whip. Moving towards me, he undid the chains binding me. I collapsed onto the cold stone floor, clutching my stomach. My back was on fire, and my stomach was churning in agony. “Show me your arm,” he commanded, and I slowly lifted my arm, allowing him to see his mark. He hummed in satisfaction, his gaze lingering on the mark that read: Property of Alpha Jacob. “Get yourself up and let's go,” he ordered. Nodding weakly, I forced myself to stand, hunched over from the searing pain radiating from my back. I needed to rest. “Thank you, Alpha Jacob,” I murmured, following the horrifying ritual that had become a part of this ordeal. He nodded, seemingly pleased, and began leading the way out of the cell, leaving me to trail behind him.
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