Table of Contents

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Table of ContentsMap of Parsina Chapter 1: The Royal Nuptials Chapter 2: The Path to Conquest Chapter 3: The City of the Apes Chapter 4: The Secret Door Chapter 5: The Prophet’s Doom Chapter 6: The Afrits of the Air Chapter 7: The King of the Winds Chapter 8: The Sea Invasion Chapter 9: The Wizard’s Plan Chapter 10: The Poison Chapter 11: The Reunion Chapter 12: The Sea Captain Chapter 13: The Monkey Chapter 14: The Summoning Chapter 15: The Daevas Chapter 16: The Legend of Atluri Chapter 17: The Isle of Illusions Chapter 18: The Seduction Chapter 19: The Undersea City Glossary The Parsine Pantheon The Good Deities The Evil Deities The Djinni About Stephen Goldin Other Books by Stephen Goldin Free Ebook Connect with Stephen Goldin This book is dedicated to all the wonderful people of the Lothlorien discussion group… May their frivolity reign forever
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