22_Conspiracy Theories

1907 Words

Ada There is a sombre atmosphere hanging in the living room when we enter. Dad is sitting in his favourite chair, brooding with a drink in his hand. My brothers are in the opposite corner talking softly with Reese and Blake. “Where’s aunt Margo?” I ask as I take a seat opposite Dad. “In her quarters,” Dad answers in a monotone. “She fainted. Seth should be here any minute to take care of her.” “Dad …” “Do you think I was too harsh on him?” Dad cuts me off and looks at me. “Maybe I overreacted.” “Dad, at one point or another you locked me and my brothers up in the dungeon to teach us a lesson,” I smile gently. “We survived and so will he.” “And every time I locked you up, I asked your mother the same question,” he smiles sadly. “I can still hear her telling me I did the right thing.”

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