Chapter 36

1804 Words

Elder Serene didn’t answer. She instead said, “I understand that at your age, you are curious to explore your sexuality. It is so normal, Emerald. Yet, s*x before the right time will bring more consequence rather than happiness.” My face was getting hotter to hear that. I started wondering if Elder Serene could read my mind or my past. I mean, she just put her hand on my head, then she suddenly commented about s*x and sexuality. I wondered if she could see what I did with Marco. Uhm, it’s not having real s*x, but if anyone saw it, they could think Marco and I truly did it.  “Elder Serene-” I hesitantly asked. I was sure my face was redder than a ripe tomato now.  “-Uhm, well, Marco and I haven’t been intimate yet.” I raised my head to stare at Elder Serene. “Well, at the party, Marco did

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