Chapter Seven – The Sting of Jealousy Haley sat down at the long table in the mess tent, spooning her streak ration pack into her mouth. The flavourless food that resembled dog meat brought back so many memories, some she cherished, others she did not want to be reminded of. Baldy took a seat next to her, spooning up the food with a look of disgust on his face. “Did you see number five? He abseiled perfectly. I know you spoke with him, but I am telling you he is the mole, so stay away Haley!” his tone indicated he was trying to command her. Even if she liked Baldy, there was no way in hell, she would be spoken to like that by a man, not unless he was her supervisor in the army, and even then, only during basic training. Unable to keep her annoyance from spilling over, Haley placed