Chapter 1:13: Proper Ex-Husband Stalker

1505 Words

Japheth I knew exactly where Reggie worked. When the Triton Publishing House decided to open a branch in our small, insignificant city, it was pretty big news, and they had written an article about it in the Rutberg Daily Herald, where Regina’s name had been dropped several times. Not that I made a habit of reading the paper, but all my friends and family had forwarded me the article, and a few had delivered the paper copy personally. “Did you know Regina is back in town?” A few people had used the opportunity to say some nasty things about her, suggesting that she’d come back to Vermont with her tail tucked between her legs after two years because she couldn’t hack it in the big city. I promptly chewed those small-minded back-biting jerks a new a.sshole. Just because Reggie and I

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