Chapter 1:31: Feel At Home

1802 Words

Regina “What do you mean you can’t give me a room?” I asked with deep frustration. I was standing in the lobby of my third-choice hotel. “I’m sorry ma’am, that’s our new policy. Because of the, um, homeless crisis? We aren’t allowed to give rooms to anyone with a local address.” “What kind of whacked out discrimination is this? Do I look like a homeless person? I just need a room for a few days while they check my building for mold and repair the leak in the roof.” Well, when I said it like that, it did kinda sound like I lived in one of the section tenements. “I drive a BMW, for Christ’s sake!” The woman did not look impressed. “I’m sorry ma’am, that's our policy,” she pointed to a printed sign on the wall that basically stated what she had just told me. I’d gotten the same s

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