Chapter 1:18: How Bad Is It?

1365 Words

Regina I couldn’t tell if my stomach was tied in knots because of pregnancy symptoms, or because of nerves, but I sat at the corner table in The Coffee Shop, shredding napkins and counting my breaths, trying to calm the feeling of nausea that kept creeping up my throat. A cup of herbal tea sat untouched in front of me, because I had read that pregnant women shouldn’t drink caffeinated beverages. However, the tea tasted like grass clippings from a lawn that was mowed two-days ago, and I couldn’t figure out why anyone would want to put that in their mouth. I jumped every time the door opened. Japheth was late. But that wasn’t all that unusual. Japheth lived on farm-time, which was like a whole different dimension that had to account for a sheep giving birth to quadruplet lambs, or s

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