Chapter 12: Incline

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Chapter 12: Incline 12:16 P.M. The bridge was sixteen stories high and looked as if it were going to collapse. The steel was rusted and a majority of the cement was cracked. Jim said, “It’s called Basker Bridge. A dozen people have jumped to their deaths from it.” “Sounds handy,” I replied, snickering to myself. The Mustang crossed the dilapidated structure and made an immediate left on a cow path with waist-high weeds to the right and left. The path curved down the incline, through the treetops and into a thick hallow below. Jim called the place Basker Hallow, which made perfect sense, but I didn’t believe him because he was high. Honestly, I liked my pot and was the first person to support it as a legal drug, but I couldn’t think straight with it in my system. Nor could I accomplish

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