My Beloved Lizzie

211 Words
My Beloved Lizzie How have we come to this? If you can feel the shaking of my hand in these unsteady words, know tis because I tremor with the loss of you. I know not how I breathe without you, knowing where you are, feeling how you suffer. My whole being aches. My arms are empty without you. I cannot eat. I cannot sleep. I cannot sit. I am anxious and my legs tremble and I must move. Then I cannot walk steadily and others watch as though I’m afflicted. I do not know what else to do so I sit here at my desk under the window. I write, and I write, and I know that one day we shall be together again. Oh, my God, Lizzie. What has happened? What Evil has come to Salem that has you and our Grace languishing in that foul-stenched Hell? I cannot stand to be here whilst you are there. Stay strong this much longer, my love, a few more days at best, and I shall see you out of there and we shall escape, together, to where no one shall hurt you again. I shall never stop until you are warm and safe with me where you belong. And I ask again…how have we come to this?
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