Chapter 8

1842 Words
"Chuck it." Chase sings excitedly. "No no no," I reply with my hands on my my hips, "you first." "Fine." his lips touch the bottle and the brown liquid oozes into his mouth. His face scrunch in disgust and I giggle, swiping the bottle from him. I take a swig, feeling the bitter taste burn my tongue. It doesn't taste good but it somehow satisfies my mouth and I take another sip. "You like it." Chase asks with a smirk. "It gets better." I say, enjoying another few sips. "I think this will taste better." Chases takes out another bottle from the glass cabinet, containing a creamy white liquid. It reads 'White chocolate liquor' and he pours some in two shot glasses. "One, two, three." we both take the shots and cringe at the strong alcohol taste. Chase huff and puff and I laugh at him. His blonde hair matts on his forehead as if he's drinking something really burny. I look at the many alcohol bottles situated behind the homemade bar. Chase's mom are one of the richest people I know including my dad. My dad owns his own business of software marketing and he manages to make enough money for us to live in half a mansion like Chase's. Only me and my dad in one big house. "Wow, you've almost drank the whole bottle." Chase takes hold of the quarter full beer bottle. I laugh at him feeling my stomach erupt in a tingling feeling. "I think I'm tipsy." I say. "Jeez, you're totally red." he says, squishing my cheeks and smiling at me as if I'm a baby. I gently place my hands on my cheeks, trying to sooth the burn. "Let's swim." he announces and I almost agree eagerly but stop myself, looking at my usual baggy clothes and not being able to feel comfortable to wear less clothes. He yanks off his T-shirt and marches out of the glass doors towards the swimming pool. I follow him and start to laugh uncontrollably, seeing him slip backwards on an already wet, swimming deck. I feel ashamed at my awful snoring laugh and immediately stop, seeing Stephen sitting with his feet in the water, watching me intently. I want to crawl somewhere and hide in embarrassment but Chase saves the moment, jumping in the pool, splashing water on Stephen's body. I notice his bare stomach and bite my lips seeing his lean and muscular built, his skin seeming so soft. I clench my teeth and make my way towards the sun lounger before he can see me checking him out. "Riley, help me." Chase calls jokingly as Stephen playfully pushes him around in the water. I chuckle, feeling the need to join them but I stay put. I look at our grey painted double storey house peeking out through their tall walls. I wonder if dad is home from work, as it's already after five. I sigh and lay back comfortably on lounger, a colorful umbrella above, shading me from the sun. "Aren't you warm." Stephen's voice speaks and I bite my tongue at the question that I'm getting asked frequently. "No dude she has anemia." Chase says for me. "What's that." Stephen plays with his chin, looking from me to Chase, his eyebrows raised. "I'm always cold." I say, loud and firm. That's the false fact I tell everyone and everyone believes it. "Always cold?" Stephen says, confusion displayed on his face and I nod, fingering my lips. He frowns, stares into open space for a while as if he's thinking deeply, before continuing splashing Chase. My heart beats rapidly, feeling as if Stephen knows more. As if he's one of those kinds of people who seeks deeper. "I got to go." I say, pushing myself up. Seeing them not noticing me I walk through the glass doors, into their luxurious kitchen. I always admire the different shades of yellow, mosaic tiles perfectly lined against the wall. Most of the time, yellow is an unappreciated color, but it's so cheerful and delicate at the same time. "Riley." I turn to see Bonnie, Chase's mom, walking towards me, holding her arms wide open. I smile and fall into her embrace. Her usual flowery smell engulfs my nose I smile even more. She gives me a perky peck on my lips and leans backwards to gaze at me. I take the opportunity to admire her ocean blue eyes and messy blonde hair on top of her head. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her way of dressing, long, tight clothes, showing off her slender figure and being able to look thirty, even though she's already in her fifties. "My little beautiful one." she says in a silvery voice, swiping her thumbs over my eyebrows. My head falls down, feeling like she is telling lies, even though her attitude is totally genuine. I bite my lips and, take a step back, revealing her floral printed dress, just above her knees, cheerful. Brown glossy boots are surrounding her small feet and I smile at her usual exotic looks. "How's my girl doing?" she asks, her eyes staring intently at me, reminding me of Stephen, even though I just met him. "I'm doing great." I say trying to sound joyful. She nods, caressing my arm with her long finger tips. "And your dad?" she continues. "He's great too." She turns and takes two pop tarts from a box, on a little wooden table, standing in the middle of the kitchen. "Here." she shoves them in my hand. I hesitantly take it and almost drop it hearing Chase's voice behind me. "She already ate, mom." Bonnie hums in response, before violently spinning around, "and drank too, I see." Me and Chase look at each other, our eyes wide. I gulp seeing Stephen next to Chase, a towel hanging around his neck. His relaxed face slowly turns somewhat angry with frowns and pursed lips. "What?" Chase says, almost challenging. Bonnie puts her finger on her lips and looks sideways as if she knows better. "Well we're almost 18, anyway." The whole scenery, Chase with an attitude, Stephen mad and Bonnie suspicious, makes me c***k up and I start to giggle. I try to stop, but the giggles come stronger. Bonnie looks at me strangely, but places it with a timid smile. I laugh even more when Chase starts to laugh full blow, out of his stomach. Stephen almost looks disgusted and he shakes his head, walking off. Bonnie pulls herself on the counter and sits with her head resting on her hands, her eyes in screws. Chase burst out even while I'm urging myself to stop, taking deep in between breaths and rubbing on my sore stomach. It feels as if I disrespected her, or accidentally I definitely did so immediately apologize in between breaths. "It's okay Riley, it's not your fault." she waves me off, however she continues, "Although as a responsible teenage girl, I would've," she clears her throat and I feel regret, knowing that she could tell my dad. "Nah I'm just kidding." she laughs, "I sometimes felt that you were too responsible, Riley." I look at Chase seeing him covering his smiling mouth, as if he's in on all of this. I swat Chase on his arm and roll my eyes. "So you're fine with this?" She nods, a sneaky smile playing on her lips. "Wow." I comment as Chase fist bumps his mom. Bonnie winks at me and jumps of the counter. She walks off, swaying her hips. I look at Chase, raising my eyebrow. He sniggers, "Got you." he says in a childish, singsong tone. "It's a stupid joke, " I pat him on the shoulder with force. "Idiot." I grunt as I exited the kitchen. I let my fingers glide over the tall corridor's walls, the grey walls decorated with golden cracks. Typical Bonnie. My ears get flooded with beautiful raw strumming from a guitar. I eagerly follow the sound until I find Stephen sitting on a bench in the home gym, a black guitar in his hands. Big hands. His bare upper body still glistens with drops of water and his curly hair hangs messily over his forehead. He strums with a black pick that he's holding tightly in his fingers. My body erupts in sudden goosebumps and my mind travels to his hand, gently caressing my legs. I almost feel neglected when I look down to see my legs still covered in my black leggings. I sigh, feeling warm and melted. "Woah." I shriek, seeing him facing me. His face is laced with concentration as he continues to strum on the guitar. My heart drums and I'm unable to think. "You okay." he asks in a throaty voice and I frown at how attractive he sounds. Out of instinct, I nod and he nods back and continues to look down. I sigh, wanting to pinch myself as I walk away. My mind wanders and I feel ashamed of myself being such an awkward i***t. Sighing heavily again I stroll outside, until I'm standing in front of our house. Dad's Audi is here. I purse my lips and enter through the open front door, the smell of heavy garlic hitting my nose. Unlike our busy smells in the house with dad's cooking, our house is dull and boring. White walls, grey tiles, black lamps and strictly organized. It almost pained me to see the white walls everyday. "Ahh, " dad shouts when I appear in the Kitchen, "she's home." I try to smile, feeling irritation at his usual 'third person' way of talking. "Hi dad." "Just in time for my garlic and honey chicken." He takes a spoon and scoop a few chicken pieces and lay it on snowy white rice. He takes a piece with his fingers, the sauce dripping and put it in front of my mouth. I take the bite not feeling hungry at all. He licks his fingers while I chew amd even though it does tastes quite delicious I wanted to puke. He smiles, "How does it taste?" I let it seem as if I'm enjoying it and I nod, "Delicious." His face turns into triumph, "There's more." he hints, as if there's even more than the chicken. I close my eyes for a few seconds before I go to sit at the glass table, my dad in front of me, watching with big eyes as I stuff my mouth with his food. His brown eyes are watery and hair sweaty. " How was work?" I try to ease the awkwardness and I listen as he complains of having a rough day and how everyone is giving him a hard time. I try to listen intently, but I can’t help but think of Stephen and the way he asked me if I'm okay. As if there was more to it. "Are you okay?" dad suddenly asks and I frown but immediately nod afterwards with an assured smile.
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