Chapter 6

1047 Words
Thick files with names in alphabetical order sit neatly in the drawer. I let my fingers draw lines on my lips, filling on my confused thoughts. My eyes scan the names,”What the fuck.” I whisper to myself. I take hold of the file, with my name typed on, it feeling heavy in my hand. My mind is itching for answers and I open the file, for a small white envelope to fall out. I sniff, seeing a small photo of me, printed in color on the top left corner. The rest of the page consists of a column with numbers. I frown not having a clue what the numbers mean. I’m hungry to find out more and I eagerly turn over the page to see another photo of me from when I was about three years old. A big gap sits between my teeth and I almost want to cry at my carefree expression. As if nothing mattered. I turn the page over to see all written information about me. My full name. My date of birth. Everything. Okay. It’s not too strange for my dad to have information about me. I pick the envelope laying on the floor and shred it open, not caring what damage it could cost. A disk falls out and I briefly close my eyes. I scan through the file name’s to see Lisa’s. Why would there be a file of Lisa. My eyes catch the other files and I recognize only woman names. Sweat drips from my neck and I harshly wipe it away, wishing that I didn’t have a cast on my wrist. What is on this disk and why did Lisa break one? She obviously lied about needing money. I stare at the blank disk, knowing that I need to see what is on it. “Okay.” I breathe. I have to carefully piece out all the information. It feels like too much. Too find that your best friend and a guy that I don’t even know. I suddenly feel disgusted in myself, feeling so much lust towards someone I don’t even know. Time. I can’t be too long in here so I take out Lisa’s file, a random one with the name “Rosalie” and mind. I perfect everything together and put it under my top. I close the drawer and put the box back on the seat but keep the ring clutched in my sweaty hands. I take a deep breath and exit the study, hoping that Stephen or Lisa won’t see me. I quickly go to the bathroom and open the door as quietly as possible. I take a deep breath feeling relieved, to not be in my dad’s study anymore. I look at my reflection, seeing tiredness in my eyes. I quickly strip down all my clothes, place the files on the toilet under my pajamas and put plastic over my cast and climb in the running shower. I let the warm water relax my tense muscles and I quickly scrub soap all over my body. I let my mind wander on all the possibilities of why this is happening. I can’t get over the fact that Lisa, my dad and Stephen are keeping things from me. What is it about? I want to cry but I hold it in. The water rinses off the soap on my body and afterwards I take a towel and wrap it around my body. I look up and let the steam of the warm water fill my lungs. I have to unravel everything before tomorrow and Stephen and Lisa makes it so hard, being here. I think of Chase. Does he know? Is he on it as well? I put on my pajamas, my eyes keep scanning the files. I take hold of my phone and type a message to Chase. Riley:Hello. Chase:What’s up? He immediately types back. I think long and hard before I type. Riley: I know everything… Chase: Huh? I moan in frustration. Riley: Stephen and Lisa! Chase: What about them? I bite my lips. Maybe he really doesn’t know anything. Riley: Stop playing games, I know everything. I take a deep breath when he calls me. I pick up and say greet him with a small voice. “What’s going on?” he says with a touch of concern in his voice. “Can I come over?” Is the first question to pop in my mind. “Of course.” he says but doesn’t say more. I end the call and think of a way to go to Chase without Stephen being suspicious. I put the files in the cabinet under the sink and exit the bathroom to see Stephen still laying on my bed, his head under his hands. “Hi.” he says and opens one eye. “Hi.” I give him a fake smile, knowing that he is someone dangerous and I could be he’s victim. But I know if he wanted to hurt me he probably already would have. I sit on my desk chair, with my knees against my chest and spin around. I pretend to be on my phone and type for a while before I speak, “I’m quickly going to Chase.” “Why?” he sits up. “Work that I’ve missed and I have to study.” I swallow, hoping that he’s falling for it. “Oh,” he stands, “I’ll come with.” “I was hoping that you could stay,” I choose my words wisely, “The other day Lisa was in my dad’s study looking all suspicious,” I wipe my eyes, “I think she’s trying to steal money or something.” I don’t want him to know that I know more. I can see him swallow and seem guilty. “Just stay and have a lookout please,” I stand from the chair, “I’ll be quick.” He nods and I feel thankful. I know he doesn’t want to give anything away, so I feel positive that I played my cards right. I take my school bag and sling it over my shoulder. I quickly go to the bathroom and place the files in my bag. Here goes nothing.
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