Chapter 10

1109 Words
We rode for another free more hours, before he stops at a huge fancy house. Comparing this house to ours and Chase’s, makes ours seem unfitted. The walls are white tall with big windows displaying a three storey house. The window frames are gold, glinting brightly in the sun’s light. The yard is big and green with luscious and colorful plants, sprang oozing from the ground. The stone pathway is perfectly in the middle from each side of the yard’s grass and tight in front of the glass doors is a beautiful waterfall springing with water. “Wow.” I say. I wonder what we are doing at this place. It feels out of my league. “Yeah, I know right.” Richard says with a goofy smile. Seems as if his serious act has vanished. From the long ride I tried so hard to get answers from him, but he refused, keeping a straight face the whole time. My legs are stiff from sitting the whole time. “Can I atleast know now what we're doing here?” I try but he just shakes his head. Still showing his white teeth. Atleast he’s smiling this time. And he seems in a good mood all of sudden, so maybe what’s about to happen will be good. I hope... “You ready?” he asks and I raise an eyebrow at him “For what?” Everything is running in circles but it doesn’t want to go to the point. I feel drained and irritated towards that. “You’ll see.” is all he says before he climbs out of the car. He opens the door for me and I eagerly step on the ground, stretching my legs as I straighten it. The sun immediately burns on my cold bare legs. “Just follow me.” he instructs and I follow him as he walks on the pathway. We pass the waterfall and I love the calming sound of water hitting water. I hear the clicking sound and my head snaps towards the door. A beautiful woman, around twenty is standing with a floral printed summer dress. Her dark hair is in a high ponytail and her olive skin flawless. “Richard.” she announces and throws her thin arms out towards him. He lunges at her embracing her tightly. I stand awkwardly as she eyes me up and down whilst hugging Richard. Her yellow eyes make her look strong and fierce. I wait for her to say something but she puts her attention on Richard and he waves me in. I swallow entering the house and the rich smell of vanilla hits my nose. Wow. This place looks even better on the inside than outside. Black marble floors shone with smoothness and the walls consisted of wooden tiles. A chandelier hang from the high ceiling, also wooden and the staircase is decorated with golden railings. It feels as if I’m on vacation. “What are we doing here?” I ask, feeling confused. I don’t know what the hell is going on and I don’t know why I’m kind of kidnapped to be brought to this place. Shouldn’t it be worse. Richard said he worked for Stephen so maybe is a good guy after all. And those three men that he tried to fight off. What do they want with me and why does everything have to be so shady? If it’s about me, why can’t I know? “Just relax.” Richard says. Just relax? I sigh. I don’t want to relax. I want answers. “When is Rick coming back?” my ears perk at Richard’s question. Does he mean Rick as in my dad? “In about about three days time.” she answers, glancing at me. It feels as if she’s a body as well with many secrets. “Who’s Rick?” I ask to get an eye roll from the woman. “You’ll meet him soon enough.” Richard answers, resting his hands on the woman’s hip. Well they’re probably in a serious relationship. I roll my eyes, feeling awkward, not knowing what to do. “Riley just make yourself at home.” Richard says probably sensing my awkwardness. I let my shoulders fall. “What the hell.” I whisper to myself and spin around with an irritated grunt. I walk up the stairs, to see a white bathroom in front of me. Just what I need. I lock the door behind me and take a deep breath. I feel exhausted. And scared. And confused. I actually don’t know what to feel the most. A thought rings in my head. My phone! I fish out my phone from the cast, almost used to the sudden pain and soreness. I let my phone’s screen light up to see various unread messages. Chase: What the hell, where are you going? Chase:Why are you all the way there? Chase: By the way, my brother is in the hospital. They say he might be in a coma. What? A gasp escapes my mouth. A coma? No no no. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault. He just wanted to protect me. I bite my lips feeling uneasy and continue to read the messages. Lisa: Where are you? And another message from an unknown number saying, ‘Don’t trust anyone.’ I let out a breath hard and long. What should I do? I'm basically useless but without another thought I send me and Chase’s secret word. The word we must use when something serious is going on. Our secret code. Riley: Harlam He immediately types back. Chase: Oh s**t. Hearing voices outside I quickly push my phone back in my cast, moaning. “Don’t trust anyone.” I whisper to myself. I have to stay strong and whatever is going on I have to find up. I hope Chase knows what he’s about to do with me sending our secret word. I scream when someone suddenly hammers on the door and hear the woman’s voice yelling, “Open up.” I frown. This doesn’t sound good. “Open the door or we’ll break the door open.” Hesitantly I open the door, for the woman to rake my body with angry eyes. She feels on my body, goes over my boobs, feels in my pocket everywhere. “What the hell.” I say, taking a step back. “You have nothing on you?” she asks and I jerk my head backwards. She eyes me sternly, waiting for my answer. “No!” I lie, with an attitude laced in my voice. This isn’t a vacation after all.
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