Chapter 6 - The Double Date

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The rest of the work week was quiet. I avoided all casual conversation with Carter. I was embarrassed and ashamed that I let myself unravel in front of him, opening my heart and laying my baggage out for him to see. He never mentioned the kiss again and I was grateful. I am stuck in a rut come Saturday morning and bury myself under my covers, feeling sorry for myself. Somehow, I’ve caught the attention of an incredible man who wants me all to himself and I’m feeling so unworthy of him. Totally out of my league. I mean he is a very successful lawyer with his own firm, a penthouse apartment and probably a fancy shmancy sports car. I can just imagine him driving around the city, cocky as hell with the top down as women stare at him in awe. I hear a knock on my door and Scarlett calls out “Hey Belle, you have a visitor!” I groan loudly. A heavy body sits on the edge of my bed and I flip the covers to see Carter sitting next to me. I groan again and throw the covers back over my head. What is he doing here? This is what I get for showing him where I live. Remind me to kill Scarlett later for letting him into my bedroom, especially when I look like this! “Why are you avoiding me?” Carter asks with authority. Who is he, my dad? Ugh. “Why are you in my bedroom?” I ask, deflecting his question. “Your tactics won’t work on me Miss Hudson. Answer my question.” He rests one of his big hands on my leg over the top of the covers. Eager to get far away from his touch, I scoot up to my headboard and peek my head out with the covers pulled up to my neck. The last thing I need is for him to see me in my skimpy lace lilac pyjamas. He flashes one of his signature grins at me. Damn you Carter Wilson. “I’m not avoiding you ...” I start to say but he cuts me off. “Yes you are. Ever since you kissed me the other day, you’ve hardly uttered a word to me.” “Ughhhh don’t remind me!” I throw the covers over my head again. He yanks the covers totally off me and I suddenly feel so exposed. I throw my arms over my chest to cover my breasts as he chuckles at my reaction. “Don’t be so sheepish, this is nothing that I haven’t seen before.” He looks me up and down, obviously checking me out. I glare at him angrily as I snatch the covers back, pulling them over my exposed chest. “Stop. It.” I growl at him. He looks around my room, taking in all the features. The lilac painted walls, my black four poster bed, the comfortable grey armchair in the corner of the room next to my bookshelf neatly organised by genre. "You are a bit of a neat freak aren't you?" I ignore his dig. “What are you even doing here anyway?” He scoots closer to me and places a hand on either side of my waist, caging me in. “I came to tell you that I’m taking you out tonight.” He announces proudly. “No, you’re not.” I deadpan. “Yes I am. I will not have you wallowing in your self-pity anymore. You need to get out of your own head for a while and have some fun. Stop overthinking everything and let loose.” “Look where I ended up last time.” I mutter to myself and Carter smirks at my comment, remembering our night together. “Come on please, just one drink? I’m not taking no for an answer. I’ll pick you up at 7.” He stands to leave my room. “Can I at least bring Scarlett with me?” I ask. There’s no way I can trust myself to be alone with him again. “Yeah sure, why not? I’ll bring Adrian to keep her company. I'll see you tonight.” He winks at me and leaves my room. Dread forms in the pit of my stomach. There is no way that tonight is going to end well for me. * * * Scarlett was so excited, she kept calling our outing a double date. I had to keep reminding her that it definitely was NOT a date. She kept asking me about Adrian and what he was like. Truth is, I hardly even knew him well enough yet. Most of my time at work had been spent with Carter. Scarlett decided to wear a simple short white slip dress paired with silver pointed stilettos. Her slick black bob sitting above her shoulders showing off her incredible back tattoo piece. Scarlett styled my hair into loose waves. I had such a hard time deciding what to wear. I kept wondering what Carter would like, not that his opinion should matter to me. I chose a red full length jumpsuit paired with my black block heels. I didn’t feel like showing off too much skin tonight. I don’t need Carter getting any ideas in his head. I sit on the lounge, nervous as hell. I can feel my palms getting clammy. I watch the clock tick over to seven o’clock and sure enough, I hear a knock on the door. Carter is punctual as always. I swing the door open and before me stand two incredibly handsome men. I’m stunned for a moment and I remind myself to breathe. Scarlett gasps behind me and I glance over at her. Her eyes are wide and I realise she’s staring at Adrian. Now, if I didn’t believe in love at first sight before, I think I certainly do now. I walk over to her and whisper in her ear, “Are you okay?” She nods and I have to hold her hand to lead her out of our apartment. “Good evening ladies.” Carter nods at Scarlett and kisses me so low on my cheek that its almost on my neck. “Nice to meet you, I’m Adrian.” He says to Scarlett, kissing the back of her hand like a gentleman. “I’m Scarlett.” She giggles nervously. We walk down the five flights of stairs with Carter leading us out to his car. It is a matte black Aston Martin convertible. “This is your car?” I ask incredulously, pointing at it in disbelief. “Yeah it's one of them. Why do you ask?” He looks confused. I shake my head at him. “It is exactly what I imagined you would drive.” I laugh at my own thoughts. Adrian and Scarlett have already slid into the back seat together so I sit in the front passenger seat and Carter closes the door for me like a gentleman. He jumps into the drivers seat, winks at me then presses the button to start the engine. It roars to life sending shivers throughout my body. We drive through the busy Sydney city traffic and Carter parks in an undercover car park. We follow him into a venue called Zephyr. It’s a chic rooftop bar with incredible views. It is absolutely stunning at night time. A waiter leads us to our table and Carter orders food for us all to share and some drinks. “Ricardo is going to hate you for spending so much money on your company card.” Adrian says to Carter. “So what? It’s our money and we can spend it how we want.” Carter replies with a shrug. “Ooooh Ricardo! I haven't seen him in a while. How is he?” Scarlett asks Adrian. “You know him?” He c***s his head to the side. “Yeah, I met him at University so I’ve known him for quite a few years now. I'm a high school teacher.” She explains. The waiter brings over four Martini’s with twenty-four carat gold shavings inside. Okay I totally understand what Adrian meant now. Tonight is probably going to cost a small fortune. I don't think I could ever justify spending money on things like this. We eat and drink as I soak in my surroundings. The conversation dies down between the four of us as Scarlett and Adrian immerse themselves in each other, whispering in each other’s ears and laughing. They look so carefree and I feel a little jealous. I avert my eyes from them and see Carter staring at me blankly. “What? Do I have something in my teeth?” I ask, baring my pearly whites. He laughs at me and shakes his head. “I just wanted to tell you that you look gorgeous tonight.” He says quietly. I sneak a glance at Scarlett, hoping she didn’t hear but she’s too focused on everything Adrian that she might as well have love hearts for eyeballs right now. “Always with the compliments.” I say exasperated. “Someone has to boost your confidence.” He knocks my shoulder with his. “There’s nothing wrong with my confidence, self-pity is a totally different issue though … Sorry, I didn’t mean to be a kill joy.” I add, realising I’ve dampened the entire mood. "I just haven't really been myself lately." “Are you enjoying your night at least?” He asks curiously. “Yes of course thank you, but please at least let me pay for my own drinks.” “You’re dreaming.” He answers in a flat tone. “Is it alright with you guys if we get out of here?” Adrian asks suddenly, referring to himself and Scarlett. A flush hits her cheeks instantly. We all stand to say our goodbyes and I pull Scarlett into a hug to whisper in her ear. “Be safe, enjoy yourself and call me in the morning.” I say. She nods and squeezes me back tightly. Carter takes care of the bill as I watch Adrian and Scarlett leaving together. She shoots me a massive smile over her shoulder as they enter the elevator. I can’t help but smile back at how happy my best friend is. “So what do you want to do now?” Carter asks. “Curl up on the lounge with a big bowl of ice cream and watch a movie.” He stares at me bewildered for a moment then shrugs. “Okay, sounds good.” He says. He drives us back to my apartment and parks in the guest parking beneath our building. I take my shoes off before climbing the stairs, my feet are killing me. Carter follows behind me and I praise my earlier decision to not wear a dress. We reach my floor and I spot a man sitting next to my front door. My footsteps stop and Carter bumps into my back. My stomach drops and I instantly feel sick. I think I may throw up. “What the f**k are you doing here Jasper?”
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