Chapter 13

1313 Words

Abby I jerk awake to the sound of the waves crashing against the side of the ship. The low hum of the TV flickers from the corner. Roger"s doing, I"m sure, but he"s nowhere to be seen. A surge of energy rushes through me, sudden and invigorating, like I haven"t felt for years. I leap out of bed and race to the window, throwing open the curtains. A vast ocean stands before me, stretching endlessly in every direction, with no sign of land on the horizon. My heart leaps as my dad"s words echo through my mind: I’m meeting with the captain in the morning. We need to discuss a plan to get you off this ship because of your weakened immune system. I laughed at the conviction in his voice. As if half the passengers onboard aren’t also in the same predicament. Most of them are ancient. I scram

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