1518 Words

I didn’t expect him to be so gentle with me, I did not think my tears would touch him so much, but they did, and when he held me close and patted me like that, I felt better immediately and I shivered as the electric currents and sparks from his touch passed through every corner of my body. “Don’t cry, ” he says softly and I start to push him away from me, but it feels like I’m pushing against a rock. He doesn’t release me so easily at first but after a while, he finally let’s go. “Can I go? Please? I just want to be with my friends-” I start to say but his eyes darken again and I begin to feel his anger. “Go to bed, now, ” He says pointing at the bed. With the look on his face, I know there is no getting out of this for me. I could cry all night or protest but he isn’t going to let

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