1597 Words

TIANA’S POV “Miss Aldridge, Your highness asked that we delivered these to you,” A frail looking girl carrying a hand full of clothes drops them on the bed, and another girl follow behind her. “Thank you,” I mouthed to them and they smiled genuinely. “Wait,” I quickly stop them before they leave. “I was wondering if you knew Rose?” They shook their heads simultaneously “Nora?” They look at each other and shook their heads again. Then I just sigh and wave them off. When they left, I go to inspect the clothes they brought for me. Expensive clothes. Each one had a label on them indicating they had just been bought and I gushed over how beautiful the dresses are and the price tag on them. I don’t think Prince Ryder picked out these outfits for me, they looked really girly and classy, someth

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