2-counter attack

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       As soon as I entered the office, I know I have to fight with me as well as with them.       It is easy to fight with the person we hate, but it is very difficult to fight with the person we loved ones, I       didn't if I will win or not, but I have to fight for my life.           As soon as I entered into the office every one greeted me. my office staff stood up and greeted me. I              responded them politely and told them to sit and continue there works. my assistant came and told me today schedule while we are in the elevator. as soon as reached the conference room I stood in front of the door and took a deep breath, I smiled once and opened the door with a serious face.            Everyone present there became shocked because they know me, there is my husband(ex),  his wife, my two sisters and their partners.              Yes they all are together, my sisters took a huge amount of money from Rohan(ex-husband) and they helped him in torturing me and killing me.so they became partners in business after marriage.           I walked as if I ignored them, they see me with shock, and stood up. Everyone's jaw dropped. Mainly my husbands and his wife. Because they thought that, they killed me but I'm alive that too with full of vision physically and mentally. They cant foolish me this time.          “ good morning guys, please take your seat, my name Mrs.Riya Damon dark knight.im your investor".          I told them while taking my seat and to kill the silence in the room.          It is an oval shape office table in which I sat in middle in the main seat and they all are sitting in the sides of the table.            “Ishitha are you alive and you can see”.              my ex-husband(Rohan) asked in a shocked tone.              “ excuse me Mr.sharma my name Riya Damon dark knight, and add madam after saying my name.”              I said in while sitting on my seat, but everyone is still standing as was hell shocked.             “ will you people take your seat and start the meeting, I did not much time for you people to waste.” I told in an authoritative tone.               My assistant and demons friend Clark is also present there, they smiled seeing my authority on them and their shocked face. because they know about me and my past they supported us for reaching our enterprises this much level.         Our enterprises are one of the top enterprises in the world, and even mr.damon and I won more awards for young and successful.                 As soon as I told harsh words, Rohan's wife who is one's Rohan's mistress, raise is the voice and said.             “ you b***h how dare you, to raise your voice control your mouth or else I will cut your tongue.” She said in a rude voice.          Before I could go near her and do something, a voice echoed the room and she fell on the ground.            “ behave your self Mrs.rohan Sharma or else I will cut your tongue”.  Clark told to her, he slapped her so hard, she fell on the ground and covered her face with hand     . how they all know who I'm and what they have to face.im not the innocent, weak girl who bears all their humiliation. I'm f*****g Riya Damon dark knight, who will fear the whole world with her hard glare.             “ control your mouth Mrs.sharma, you fell on the ground only for Clark's salp, and if I or Damon slap you, you will be unconscious now.”               “So keep your tongue inside your mouth and stop this melodrama”.              I know Rohan was very angry about my behaviour towards her, but who cares.           “ di.. , how are you di, I missed you so much, you can see di I'm Ritu your younger sister di.”              She said with a fake smile on her face. She thought that this type of stupid actions help them. I'm not an emotional fool who will fall for there fake love.               I pushed her from the hug and told her.               “ This is not daily soap to act loke this Mrs.ritu Basu. This is a f*****g business meeting and you are my clients, and I'm your investor. so please, cut the crap and start your presentation for damn sake.”              I told her with no emotions on my face.              “ di don’t tell us like that di, we are blood sisters for sake di.”              My other sister Roshini said. With a pleading tone. If I wasn’t there investor they would have thrown me out of there house.they are also responsible for my situation, they supported Rohan in killing me and my child for the f*****g money. If they ask me sweetly I would kill myself for them. Because they are my small younger sisters. But not now I will f*****g kill them if there do any stunt.            “ call me Mrs Damon dark knight                You are not allowed to touch me or come near me and maintain some distance to me”.                 I told them with a strong aura so that they can understand.              And every one become still because of my attitude towards them, they are hell shocked and some like Tiya(Rohan's wife) are frightened because of my strong and fierce nature.              We cut the crap and started our meeting. Everyone gave there presentation best. And I carefully listened to them.                 They want to start a new hotel with more number of branches at a time. they are in lack of money so they came here for investors and for that they consulted us.                I don’t like the project and their ideas. Rohan explained the project and everyone gave there points and suggestions.              “The places you selected for construction is very cheap and they are near the slum areas and in rainy season water will come there .so it is not safe for the construction.”              I told them because they thought that they can cheat us. After all, we don’t know the place. But I know the place very well.         “  Mr.sharma, your architecture and furniture which you selected is very old and boring, which will not help for the development of the hotel, and being an investor I cant keep neglect these points you better come with a good idea”.              I said and stood from my place and left the meeting neglecting them and Clark followed me.

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