Chapter 3

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The intensity of the ride to school was more than I could handle. I kept replaying the moment that Kol helped me up into the back seat of his oversized jeep, over and over again in my mind. It was so casual, and he was so smooth as if we had done this a million times before... I could not help but secretly wish deep down that we had in fact done this a million times before. That this was my life, being picked up by an incredibly gorgeous man in his fancy obnoxiously sized vehicle... If this was my normal, if this is how my life had gone, would things be different? Would I be different? Maybe I would be more social and outgoing. Maybe I would be the type of girl that everyone was friends with, the type of girl that was fearless and ready for an adventure at all times... Instead of the hermit introvert that I actually grew up to become. The moment his hand touched mine, my mind was shot back into reality. My hand became instantly sweaty as my nervousness set in and I found myself praying that Kol did not know what I was thinking of right now... Could he tell how nervous he makes me? Could he sense the sheer panic I felt when I was near him? The anxiety that overwhelmed me that I would embarrass myself in front of this gorgeous man? I had never felt this way before. No boy had ever made me feel this way, or think this way before. But Kol was not simply a boy, he was a man, a sexy, flawless man. I had always been so focused on graduating high school and starting my own life. So focused on escaping my parent's drama, and giving myself the life that I had been dreaming of since I was a little girl. That I had pushed all of the boys that showed any interest in me aside. I could not afford the distraction, not when I was so desperate to escape my life and make things better for myself... and that is what I had always thought boys were, a distraction from reaching my goals. A relationship always seemed too time-consuming and pointless... Especially at my age, it was so rare that people would end up staying together forever when they started dating so young... What was the point in wasting that valuable time when I could be working at bettering myself for the future? My future was my goal, and I had never allowed anyone to step in the way of my plan for myself. Especially not some boy that made my heart beat like it was going to pound straight out of my chest. But from the moment I met Kol in the kitchen of my father's house, I could not stop sneaking glances his way. My heart was racing and I did not know how to control myself. I could not understand what this boy was doing to me. He was unlike any other boy I had ever met. The rest of them were easy to push from my mind, but this was different, he was different, and he had consumed my thoughts to the point that I could no longer concentrate on anything else. There was something about him that made me question everything that I did. 'Am I breathing too loudly?' 'Do I smell okay?' 'Dear God, why did I wear this baggy sweater?' 'I desperately needed some better fashion sense...' I had never been more aware of my own actions than I had been on that ride to school. I had never doubted myself more than I do in his presence. Material things were never a big deal to me; brand names, fashion trends... None of that had ever mattered to me, my goal had always been comfortable and easy to get around. But now more than ever I wished that I had some fashion sense. I wished that I knew how to contour and make myself look like someone else, as I had seen in so many shows before. But unfortunately, I was just plain Emma, wearing the comfiest outfit that I owned. I could hear Chris rambling on about some party that I could care less about. While I tried to resist the temptation of looking at Kol through his rearview mirror. I felt like I was going insane. Why was I so obsessed with him? Why could I not focus on anything else? I need to get out of this jeep and away from this boy... I had made the mistake of glancing in his direction once already. As I raised my head to look forward, I caught Kol staring at me through the very mirror I was trying to resist. My eyes locked with his for only a moment, but it felt like an eternity as my mind continued to race, wondering how it was that we were not crashing while Kol was watching me instead of the road... But he managed to drive us flawlessly, never putting us in harm's way, even though he was exceeding the speed limit. There was something about him that was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The way that he seemed so perfect, so calculated, and confident, and it seemed to come so easy to him. Like he had no fear or worry in the world. I had just met this boy, and he was fascinating to me. "So Emma, how are you enjoying the move so far?" Kol asked me as I quickly looked away, trying to hide the rosiness of my cheeks... I needed to stop obsessing over him, or surely he would figure it out. "How could she enjoy anything so far? She spent the entire weekend in her room sleeping.." My brother piped in, and I desperately wanted to shut him up. I knew that as long as Chris was with us, I had no chance of coming off as the sexy, mysterious chick that I so desperately wished I was. Instead, my brother made me sound like the frumpy old lady that I had spent my life striving to become. "Shut up Chris." I sent my brother an angry glare as I tried to use any ounce of twin telepathy that I could possibly muster, in order to wish my brother into silence. "It has been good so far, thank you for asking. It started a bit rocky and uncomfortable..." I gave my twin yet another deserved glare as I thought back to the day that I first arrived at my father's house. "But it has gotten a lot better... and I was not sleeping Chris, I was unpacking and getting settled... I am pretty sure that room hasn't even seen a vacuum since the last time I visited." "Well, you got me there... Dad and I don't make great housekeepers, I am not going to lie." Chris found that fact humorous. However, I did not find it funny at all. Knowing that meant that I would be doing the majority of the housework. "Why was it rocky and uncomfortable when you arrived?" Kol asked with a genuinely concerned look on his face. However, I immediately regretted saying that in the first place, because now I will need to explain why. "Uhhh..." I did not know how to answer Kol's question, the last thing I wanted was to relive that awkward, embarrassing moment... However, I was saved from answering when Chris burst out laughing. His laugh filled the jeep and he was now unable to contain it. He was laughing so hard that it had become contagious and Kol and I could not help but join in. When we finally were able to calm down and I could catch my breath, I simply answered Kol with, "No one picked me up from the airport... Everyone forgot that I was moving here I guess." However, he knew that that was not the full story. I, however, was unwilling to reveal any more than that. Luckily, I was saved from explaining any further, since we were now pulling into the school parking lot. I have driven past this high school many times over the years. However, I have never entered it. From the highway, it looked like nothing but a simple high school... But now, as I was about to make my entrance for the first time, I could not help but feel intimidated by the brick walls that would hold the key to my future. I just needed to survive until graduation, and then I would finally be free.
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