The Betrothal

1786 Words

The BetrothalI glanced at the clock. “I have until half past ten.” He gave a small, distracted smile, not looking at me. “I wish I could have talked with you at the restaurant. Maybe this would make this easier to say.” I felt confused. “What’s happened?” Joe took a deep breath and let it out. “Remember when I told you my grandfather made a deal with Charles Hart to pay off our debts?” “You mean your debts.” Joe flinched. “Yes, my debts. But my grandfather has some too.” “Go on.” “Well, my grandfather had to give something of value in return.” “I don’t understand.” “Part of the deal is that my sister marries Etienne Hart.” “What?” “She’s asked for the standard two-year betrothal —” “How could he do this? How could you agree to this?” “— it’ll give her time to secure a dressmak

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