The Gratitude

788 Words

The GratitudeWe began walking down the right side of Book Street, Spadros Castle glowering at our backs. The night was overcast and cold, but not overly so. Morton strolled along beside me, hands in his jacket pockets, head down, as if lost in thought. Tony had been right about one thing: anyone associated with me could be the next target, for the Red Dog Gang or whoever else was doing this. As much as I hated to lose that last bit of privacy, I had to make sure they were protected. I’d lose some informants, true. Many only helped me on the condition that the Family wouldn’t know they did so. I sighed. Many of the others would likely begin reporting to Tony to gain his favor as soon as they realized he knew of our arrangement. As the taxi-stand came into view far ahead, a carriage pull

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