Chapter 66

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Listen Aboro I did not mean to fight back but had it been that I did not fight back I would have had myself killed right there but now that I did fight back I regret ever doing it. My people are now going to pay for my stupidity. I am now going to be remembered as someone who brought out the people of Zinu and took them to the land of their enemies, which is the land of Agori and then had them subjected to their own end. I am very much moved to tears right now. I am so much broken right now" Aboro did not know what else to say. He knew that it was not her fault and that the only reason she came to him at the dungeon was to see how he was faring and also to make him understand that what he stood for was the right thing and that he should keep on focusing on that and not allow anything to interfer with the very reason he had been chosen for it. This was what she wanted to do but did not have the idea that something was going to come up which would make her to fight to a point that demanded that he joined her else she would have died in the hands of those aggressive soldiers who were serving as guards. At that moment Aboro felt so sorry for her. He did not know what else to do. Infact the very reason he felt like someone who did not know what to do was the reason no one knew anything about it. This was the reason he did not want to her make her feel like a terrible person for trying to speak to him, to make him feel alright. He sighed and then walked up to her and helped her up. He placed his hands on her and said, "It is okay. You do not need to keep crying over them. Let us know that the king of Agori does not have to have them killed. If he did not he would send them to the slave camp. Your people are not going to be set free and that is the truth, they are instead going to be made to go and feel the suffering at the mines where they would be made to work day and night" Aboro did not know what else to say but what he had just said to her was the best that he could say to her and nothing else. Rira cleaned her face and spoke, "Let it be well known that most times it is not always about who makes what but always about what makes what. Nobody is going to ever believe in me again. It is my fault though that it is happening the way that it is happening. I have nothing else left except the man who stands before me, a man the whole world knows. But then Aboro there is something that I must tell you. It is a story that was once told in our land. This story will continue after but right now I can say that it has always been said that a saviour will come from the land of Zinu. I have never doubted this because I knew that prophecy has a way of coming to pass. Meanwhile I can say that such a prophecy will come to pass because Zinu is an ancient land, known to loose in wars but to survive in many other areas. They never had but they never died because they never had, they grew sick most of the times but they did not die of the sea poison. I believe so much in the people of Zinu, I do, I have so much confidence that this is not the end of our lives. I am sorry that I have made you look like a fool before the king of Agori but whatever it is that he thinks he will never forget the fact that you said words that no mad person would have said" "I can understand you my dear. Right now what I am pushed to ask you is this; are you now willing to do what needs to be done? I mean are you going to follow me to this suffering that can take a man's life?" asked Aboro and Rira nodded because she had no other choice. "Very well then. What I am about to say to you now will shock you but it better shock you than give you force hope; I am about to go away from the land of Agori because soon the land will be filled with men who are armed and looking for me to devour. So I am going to leave here and I am going to leave her to a land so far away, however far away I must get there. There I will stay and nest. There I will find comfort and there I will be able to live this life of peace that I have dreamed to live, this life of peace that you have denied me here in Agori because you were not careful enough. You have said that you want to follow me to wherever I go, now follow me then and let us go to the land of Abah" when he mentioned the "land of Abah" Rira did not believe she heard him clearly. She looked at him for a second and then asked, "What are you saying?" "You heard me. You have never been to the land of Abah? Well I have been there once, that was many years ago and I can tell that despite the fact that I do not know the road or I do not remember the road that leads to that great land I am sure to make sure I ask those who know, ofcourse when I am already out of this land of Agori or before it must have gone viral that I am needed in the palace of the king of Agori. I know that no one would love to get hold of the old Aboro and then say to the king of Agori, "Here is the Aboro that you are looking for" but if the same people were to be told that the Aboro that they knew before was no longer the same person but is now a weakling who has some weak ideology that even he himself is not able to keep they would come for me with their full chest and have me like a kid, thrown to the king of Agori with impunity. I do not want to be embarrassed that way and if you have said that you are going to go with me then so be it" He began to move and then Rira spoke, "I would not deny the fact that I would want to stay by your side but going to the land of Abah with you, I do not know if it is something that I have chosen to do right now. Meanwhile I do not know what to do, infact I do not know what to say, what I can not say is the fact that I have been given what is it that I have been given. Whoever is no longer going to allow it let them have me killed for it" She sobbed. "Are you going to keep on sobbing? I have had enough of this. I do not have anything to say to you again. Simply go ahead and turn away from the very thing that upsets you now and take your mind towards the way in which we can survive. I do not think that I have anything to say to you again but if truth must be told let everyone have it at the back of their mind that I have outgrown the reasons. I am now heading to the land of Abah, a place where I know I can find peace" "Peace? Are you saying that peace can be found in the land of Abah? Is this what you are saying right now?Are you new in this earth, have you not heard before now that the great ancient beast as it is widly called lives there in Abah land? If you have well it will be very nice of me to tell you right now that I am not fit for what you are saying, there is no way I can come out fully and support you to go to a land where the ancient beast dwells" Rira did not know why she was saying all that but one thing that did occur to her was that she was beginning to develop likeness for Aboro and his well being meant to her. Meanwhile Aboro was not ready for all that talk, infact he was not ready to allow things distract him. At some point what happened to Aboro was a sharp pain in his stomach and he bent down and held his stomach..Rira at first did not know if he was actually being serious or trying to pull her legs but then she remembered that there was no need why Aboro would want to pull her legs at a point when everything was going wrong. This knowledge alone now made her to reason that he might actually be undergoing a serious pain. She held him by the hand and before she could ask him of what the problem was Aboro had fallen to the ground. Immediately Aboro fell she knelt over him.
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