Chapter 41

2009 Words
The arrival of the king of Agori in the land of Zinu was something that anyone in the land of Zinu had been expecting and so it was not a shock to them. All the soldiers in the camp of the land of Zinu under the leadership of Aboro, the great came out to line up outside the camp, they had actually come out to greet the king of Agori. When the king of Agori stopped his chariots and his army halted it was not what he expected that he saw because he had thought that the army was going to stand against him but what they did was actually the opposite; they all saluted him the same way they used to saluting him in the land of Agori but what was different with this salutation was the way they decided to present themselves. After they were done saluting him they all began to let go of their weapons to the ground. This made the king to remain standing beside his carriage and kept watching them. He still could not understand what they were actually doing but he was not able to say anything to anyone. He stood there and kept watching. **** In the forest where Edu, Adere and Renu with others had left to go back to the place where Adere's mother and with Mori were the watchers immediately arrived and started to sniff their noses to ensure that they were right about some people leaving the rocky mountains not long ago and then they realised that they were right. "We saw well and he is giving us the sigh like we told him in the past. He will do even finer jobs after this but this is the most important of anything we might ever need help on. We will make sure that we do not miss it. If he gave us a signal that we need to come here then here we must remain until we get another signal" said one of the watchers and others agreed immediately. After they had decided to stay near the rocky mountains one of the watchers went and sat alone near a river. Another of the watchers, a female saw how this watched was seated alone as if he was being subjected to do things that he did not like and then walked up to him and sat near him beside the river. She looked at his face and then chuckled. The reason behind her smiling was something even she herself could not fathom but then she was aware that atleast that smile or giggle would help cheer the next Watcher up but actually it did not because the watcher's face was redenned with sadness. "Is there something troubling you?" asked the lady watcher and the male watched looked at her and shook his head, "Is there not anything always worrying us? We are always worried are we not? Worried about the land of Abah, how to save the people of Abah from the hands of that ancient beast. The thing is that most people in the world, especially in other lands think that we are wrong or that we are supposed to do better and that our brutality is legendary. How stupid they had thought all those years and have continued to think. If we are fighting to see how much we can survive the claws of the ancient beast no one has the guts to complain of how we are struggling. What else are we to do when that beast has seen our women as food and our children miss on daily basis. it would seem to the rest of the world that the land of Abah is untouchable and that we feel no pain because we have everything going on well with you but that is far from being the truth because actually there is much more to this than meets the eye. We are here, waiting to ensure that we please our king, the king of Abah, same king that killed those he was not supposed to kill. I am not blaming our king but I am just asking myself especially now if actually we are doing the right thing and if we are doing the right thing are we doing it the right way? "These questions have no one to answer them. You know of how I became a member of the Abah watchers. It was not part of my calling, to know how I was called. You met me in that group but you know much more than I know. The only thing that I know is how to serve the king and the deity that entrusted the people of Abah into our hands. Let us wait here first and get our hands on the mother of Adere. Remember that the plan was simple; we only need to capture the mother without the son's knowledge and then offer a helping hand to find his mother if only he will help us either tame the ancient beast or kill it" said the lady watcher. "I do not think you understand what it means so you say these things and they sound so simple or that you make it sound so simple. Simply do what you have to do in order to make things happen the way that they are meant to happen. Allow others to understand this and that is just the fact" ***** Before Adere and the rest could reach where his mother with Mori and the rest were it was already time for Mori to keep telling Adere's mother the story of how she was able to get out of the hands of the one that has been given what they need. Adere's mother had refused to stop insisting that Mori finished up the story of how she managed to get herself freed from the hands of the diviner. Mori did want to continue with the story but one thing that made her get confused was the way Adere's mother was so much serious about listening to the whole story. She cleared her throat and then said, "I have seen that you are so eager to hear it all and I then have decided that it would be better to tell you all of it so that I can find my rest" she then laughed as she said this and Adere's mother could not help herself from chuckling as well. She then continued. "After the diviner had decided to change his mind concerning where he was initially taking me to I realised that the the man was not just evil but that he was greedy because on the way as we went to the unknown place he told me why he decided to change his mind" "Ofcourse you do not expect me to share with others what you carry did you? Everyone in this life who are limited to their own way of doing things clearly do not understand how things work. This is exactly why I decided that it would be better to have you understand that I am never going to allow anyone to be the reason why I am not going to enjoy what I have been designed and destined to enjoy. Your powers belong to me and the reason I say it is because with your power being mine all I have to do is to do what I have to do. You on the other hand is welcomed to still join me after I must have taken away your powers and or you can choose to return to your weak father and continue to answer his daughter" "What gives you the right to refer to my father as a weak man? Was he a weak man when he came to you expecting you to do what he trusted you to do? You think he is weak but I think that what makes a man weak is not what he wants but what he has achieved through kindness. My father is kind and he loves his daughter so much and I believe that made him strong. You on their other side is weak, yes, you are so weak that most times all I think of is a way to make things right with you but you never get to see it coming, instead your mind is so much focused on things that do not matter. If what has made my father weak is love then what has made you weak is evil. I prefer to be made weak by love than to be made weak by hatred. You can not survive with hatred in your heart but you can survive with love in your heart. This is why I think that love is what it is and not what people think; love has always kept me going and I think I know it when I see it. You have never met with love it you have met with him but you were not discerning enough to recognize her when you saw her and I am not going to blame you for your ignorance but if you ever need someone that will educate you on what love is all about you have to humble yourself and refer to my father and you will be marveled just how much love you will receive from his hands. You have thought that you have won, you have thought that nothing has anything to do with anything again but what I think is that you are going beyond the usual way by bringing my father to your mess. He will come looking for me and you might think that I am bluffing but you will see soon with your two eyes" In the forest where Mori and Adere were with the rest they looked up after hearing some noises and saw that it was Adere and the rest that had gone to inspect the land of near the land of Akuzu that came back. They both stood up so did others in the forest. When Adere and the rest had reached where they were standing he said, "We are sorry that we had to waste the time but we had to make sure that everything was in order..." he was still speaking when Renu suddenly took words from his mouth and told the rest that it was the fault of Edu who could have simply told them how far the jouney would be but failed to do so thereby causing them to go on a journey that they had not expected to go to. At that moment it did not occured to them that something like this was going to happen. Having said this I would gladly say that I am not going to say that it was our fault that we did not return to you all on time but because of Edu who could have made our journey easier but did not want to for some reasons best known to him" At this juncture Edu had had it enough and he moved to seize Renu by the neck. It was Adere who stood against him and pushed him aback and said to him, "Were you going to hit a woman? Was this what we discussed? You dare not hit a woman and anytime you try to do that and in my presence you will not like what I will do" then turning to Renu Adere angrily shouted at her, "And I was still speaking!! Do you not know how to honor a man? Have you lost your senses that you could not see just how much I was going to make sure that there was no problem and no blame laid on anyone? Is it that you derive so much joy in making sure that Edu is hunted? He remains my friend and because of this simple fact you must respect him, you must show him some respect!!!. Did these words I spoke now enter your ears or did they not?"
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