0.2 Grief

1504 Words
The group moved as quietly as they could through the dense forest, making as little noise as possible was the main goal, since it could attract more zombies or even mutated beasts. As none of them was in any condition to fight, it was the best option for them. When the group finally stepped out of the forest and onto a dirt path, they were met with a base. Tall wooden structures with guard posts and a closed metal gate. Justin stopped walking when his feet touched the dirt path, causing the others to stop with him. Jacob stopped walking as he neared the gate and turned to face them. "Nobody else lives here now, only Ariella and I." Jacob explained to the group, "If you're wary, then one of you can search this place." "There are no adults here? How did you build this base, then?" Justin asked, sizing up the young boy in front of them. "Sorry, but I find it hard to believe you two skinny children did all this." "Hahaha, weren't you listening? I said there's nobody else living here, but Ariella and me now." Jacob laughed insincerely with a sarcastic tone. He repeated his words. "Then where are they? The adults who built all this?" Justin's sister butted into the conversation. Unable to hide her curiosity, so she asked. "They're dead," Jacob answered flatly before turning to push the gate open. "Come in or don't. I'm tired and hungry." "Dead? Who killed them?" Taken back, she blurted out, and Justin shot her a fierce look to shut up. "Shut up, Jennifer," Justin gritted his teeth and ordered his sister as he glanced at Jacob, who paused from going inside. "Is that important? How'd they die? Is that important?" Jacob asked without turning back. "Look here, I get you are wary of us. But don't you think if we wanted to harm you, then we wouldn't save you? Ariella is unconscious trying to instantly kill that f*****g zombie, and you won't give us the benefit of the doubt?" "We have a right to be wary, "Justin pursed his lips and spoke up. "You have no idea what we have been through, so please be patient." "I don't have f*****g time to be patient!" Jacob shouted, catching the group off guard. "Come in or stay out here, either way, Ariella and I leave tomorrow on foot if we have to!" Leaving the dumbfounded group, Jacob carried Ariella inside the base. Justin tilted his head backward and let out a heavy sigh. These kids were in a hurry to leave. It must have something to do with the adults who lived here before. Though Justin knew the others were curious to know what exactly happened to these people, it wasn't their place to pry. "Let's head inside," a soft voice cut through Justin's chaotic thoughts. His eyes widened as his head turned to the now-awakened Hailey. "Hailey!" one of the boys carrying her excitedly called out to her. "Harry," She weakly addressed her brother before shakily pointing her finger towards the base. "No other life form but those children are in that base. We can go inside." With her confirmation, the others let out a breath and walked into the base. As Harry thoughtfully looked at his sister. "Don't use your powers on useless things. Quickly heal yourself. Only then can I be at ease." Harry said to his sister as they walked into the base. "Don't worry, I'm fine, I just need a few more hours." Hailey comforted him softly. "I mean it, Hailey, use your powers and focus on healing your injuries alone." Harry sternly told his sister again to get his point across. "I know, Harry, don't nag." Hailey's head drooped as she fell unconscious again. Harry sighed, and with the help of others, he laid her down on a bed in a house inside the base. "You guys stay here, I'll go survey our surroundings." Justin told the group. "There's no way I'm letting you do that by yourself." One of the young men stood up and said. "Axel......" Justin began, but Axel cut him off. "I mean it, Justin, you're just as tired as the rest of us. Besides, Hailey scanned this place. At least for now, it's safe. So let's rest for a little bit before we look around. Letting out a deep breath, Justin pinched in between his brows and agreed." Alright, let's rest." Axel smiled and sat down next to the other boy and bumped his shoulder playfully. "Are you doing okay, Rick?" he asked. "I have more stamina than all of you combined, of course, I'm alright." Rick glanced at Axel, his annoyance evident on his face. "You know that's not what I meant," Axel smiled ruefully. "Justin, Jennifer, Hailey, Harry, and Rick. I'm so sorry for your loss." "Can we not talk about this s**t! Nobody wants your f*****g pity Axel." Rick scowled at Axel. "I don't want to hear any of you mentioning this s**t. I want to rest and get the f**k out of here." After saying that, Rick stood up and went into another part of the house they were in and slammed the door shut. Axel looked down, and his clasped hands without another word he stood up and went outside without glancing at the others. When they were running for their lives, none of them had time to stop and think. But with Axel's words, it was like he opened up the floodgates. Harry glanced at his sleeping sister and sighed before standing up and going after Rick. Justin shook his head and went to check on Axel, while Jennifer slumped down on a chair and tilted her head upwards with a soft sigh. She wiped her teary eyes while softly muttering one word. "f**k!" Harry entered the room as Rick did and sat down next to Rick, who was currently holding his head in his hands. Harry raised his hand up and roughly patted Rick on the back. "That was a shitty thing to do," Harry remarked, giving Rick a look of annoyance. "You know he didn't mean anything by it." "I don't need you to come preach to me Harry, so f**k off!" Rick replied, not once moving from his position. "No I'm not going to f**k off, Rick, everybody here lost someone. Not only you, so I'm not going to let you wallow in self-pity." Harry sneered. "Axel's the last person you should have said that to!" "f**k, you don't think I know that! I know alright. I want to process this in peace. I don't want pity or apologies. Just peace." Rick rose from his position and looked at Harry. Tears were brimming in his eyes. "Fine, after you stop being an asshole. I will punch you in your face." Harry stood up and looked down at Rick. "My father is dead, and my sister is in that state. Justin and Jennifer's parents sacrificed themselves for us to get away. Don't forget how Axel was rescued." After saying that, Harry left Rick alone in that room to wallow in self-pity a little while longer. In Harry's opinion, they were all hurting, but nobody deserved to be lashed out at for no reason. Rick's outburst was understood but not accepted by Harry. Especially considering the situation they were in. What to do from now on? Where to go from here? Could they even comfortably join another base? Harry's head filled with worries as he sat on the floor next to the bed Hailey laid on and closed his eyes. Meanwhile, Justin sat next to Axel and patted his back softly, trying to comfort the young man who was beating himself up about the situation "I already told you it's okay," Justin paused and let out a sigh. "Rick is just being sensitive, his taunt nerves relaxed, and at that moment, you remind him and us about the tragedy. In my opinion it's a good thing." "A good thing? How is it a good thing?"Axel asked softly, almost like a murmur. "From here on out, we're alone. Joining another base? Who's to say what happened won't happen again?" Justin looked Axel in his eyes. Axel widened his eyes in disbelief "But didn't your father....." Axel trailed off and Justin laughed sadly. "Those people were our neighbors and friends, people who struggled with my parents to build that base. And they turned on us in the blink of an eye." Justin gritted his teeth in hatred as he spoke. Axel understood better than anyone what Justin's unspoken words were. "Then what? What do we do now?"Axel asked, Justin looked at his friend and patted his shoulder softly. "Let's take things one step at a time. For today, we'll grieve because tomorrow we have to fight once more." Justin answered, Axel didn't reply he only nodded in silence. Now the group was lost in thought. It wasn't until night approached that the children brought them a surprise.
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