»What is this?« Mrs Adrastea asks sternly. I gaze up at her in confusion. Can't she read? I have the words 'sweet vengeance' cut into my leg, what else could this be? »I was there, when it happened, Doris. She was in the bathroom, when I heard her scream. I burst in to find her trembling on her floor, with this ... monstrosity on her thigh,« the nurse explains, still visibly shaken from the event. I stare down at my thigh in silence. There's still blood coming out of the words, even if they aren't cut that deep. I feel dishonored, even dirty. Was this Flora's doing too? Why would she go this far to hurt me? Did she really despise me this much? »And was she alone?« the Headmistress continues with her questioning. I clutch my thigh again as I feel tears forming in my eyes. I don'