Chapter 2 :: A whole new world!?

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''this was a bad idea!...damn it! I could've just arranged my jet,.......that would've been much enjoyable'' Blaze continued his grumbling about privacy......looking irked he continue his leg straightening while pinching his nose.....probably because of the cramps,...? for no reason! he just loved his life doused in luxury......according to him he earns and he can afford it so he can want it all the time! that's no crime! typical young billionaire! hate commercial flights, hate crowds, airport security and long ass flight.........,scoffed shaking his head, but Shawkat couldn't agree more, a groan left his mouth aghh! leg cramp.....yep! For staying in same position for 9 hours straight ''And having us exposed !? not every rich person in India owns a jet you know ? ....... you are the one wanted to come with us, we have to look out for out budget you know ? beside, we are in the first class Man! Chill'' Rahat said rolling his eyes Blaze just rolled his eyes back at him......"and with my jet you could have hop on without flight cost" "no thanks.....we can survive without a jet" Shawkat muttered sleepily and still managed to let out a sarcasm ''Ha yaar! tere baba tum dono ko aur humare Raanisa humein......maar hi dalenge agaar unhe pata chal gaya to'' [ Yeah man! your dad and my mom will kill all of us if they gets to know ] Sankal said nervously shifting on his sit..... he was all jittery! ''Shut up all of you guys! We've already been through this discussion before and decided to do this trip long time ago. So keep your hormonal asses on seat! No one's is going back from their word if that's what you are thinking! Get some sleep while you can'' Shawkat whispered harshly before closing his eyes again. 'All right all right don't get your boxers in twists' Sankalp muttered looking around, while Shawkat started snoring Trust him to sleep anywhere...... he just loves sleeping. "and i had nice extra large bed in my if i ever fell asleep, no one else get disturbed just I'll SNOR so loudly" Blaze made another remark very audibly, making other two 2 snicker while ; "ggggah!" Shawkat cried out Blaze was getting annoyed by seconds passing. He always wanted to travel around the world, but no one said that taking care of a whole ass business is a easy job, Benedict, his brother always loved that but he had no interest, all he wanted to do was___ never mind, that's past!........beside in all these years, only travel he got to have is the business related ones around different part of the world with boring aged men,...... in and out of huge conference rooms! For once he wanted to do something reckless, exciting,.......when he found out about the boys planning a holiday he called them. At first they didn't agree, they were sceptical about him so he literally had to blackmail Sankalp into take him to this trip...... Sankalp can't say 'NO' to him....... never! So, in a way it was easy for him because apparently no one in their family have any idea about this trip,.... A trekking trip to Manali! he saw Manali Trek Trip brochure on internet, it looked fun and adventurous! Finally,....outside of shitty old bustling city of London,.....without work for 10 to 12 days. So he just phoned his secretary and cancelled everything for upcoming 15 days. Blaze and Sankalp's family are friends from their college time through their mothers. Sankalp is like a little brother to him. And as much as he had always idolized Blaze from very young age and he adored sankalp as well,....... and right now where the Raichand brothers lives in dorms, he lives with Blaze in London in his penthouse......sometimes Sankalp calls them there to have fun, boys night, Blaze never minded as long as they kept his penthouse clean enough and don't do anything scandalous.....which they never did. Blaze came to India a long time ago once with his mother Georgiana Aragon, may be in 2000 or 2001, it was very different then....... everything was! though his dad considered Sankalp's dad as a friend he never liked India more than something of a trade route...... just like old British lords used to! his old man only saw four thing in this huge land.....pollution, corruption, reccesion and manipulation! as if all these didn’t exist in UK but dare he say, he was intrigued by the culture and colourful nature and the diversity..... Everything! he saw it differently though and that too probably because of his mother! tradition! devotion! imagination! and in the midst of everything that's different,....... a great unification! In a way that he would have loved to stay here and travel all around if he could,...... then. So, when he saw an opportunity his curiosity got the best of him and here he is with this....... 3 IDIOTS. He got all his meetings and et cetera rescheduled through his secretary first thing right after he got to know about this secret vacation but right now he was having this second thoughts and hoping and praying to whoever up there that all this 12 day will be worth of his recklessness. Flight landed,...... and when they arrived Jodhpur via connecting flights,......and its already midnight. they were sleepy and tired and awfully jet lagged, after that,........ from airport they took taxi, which was another thing for Blaze to feel absolutely irritated about. "at least you could have told me I'd have booked a good, air conditioned car....." "glass is already down bro......natural air-condition" Sankalp muttered sarcastically, closing his eyes, his head lolling from this side to that side and almost half an hour later they reached the hotel which was more of a MOTEL they booked 2 rooms was near the Railway station. And then they checked in, freshened up, ate something light and went straight to bed as train will leave 8 o'clock next morning. ****************************** so, they are at the railway station. And Blaze never in his entire life thought a railway station can be like this,......not that he never saw Railway in his country, but this! In one word !? Fishmonger's market! and full of colour and full of peoples, so many....he could barely breath and full of different smells everywhere! Not like those professional overcoated men and women he is used to see in England!.....all black and grey! very very much colourful. And there was probably people all over from different part of India. everything is very different here, as if he entered a new world. Everyone is busy in their own way, minding their own business..... literally! vendors are selling things on wooden cart and people are buying eagerly too. Coconuts, Crisps, fried peanuts, fresh sugar cane juice et cetera.... People are pushing each other around to get past them and he was occasionally throwing glares at whoever tried to push past him. Blaze was still busy taking the entire view of an Indian railway station with hungry curious eyes So much for an amazing trip out of the country.......he muttered before walking toward the other 3 who were busy talking to the.....possibly the trek instructor. ---------------------
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