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AMBER I couldn't believe what Ruby had said. She had vanished about an hour ago, and I had been trying to wrap my head around it since then. Still, I couldn't. She actually believed that I should just shut up and be grateful that he was willing to still be my husband! What the actual f**k? Not only that, but it sounded as though she was suggesting that Paige move in with us and we share Adam. That was not going to happen. Over my dead body! The twins were taking a nap, and I watched them sleep. They looked so peaceful, so happy. The floodgates opened, and all my tears seemed to come at once. Star had been silent through it all. She was sad, too. Rusty was her mate, and she had no idea if he felt the same way for Paige's wolf as Adam felt for Paige. Either way, she knew that she was probably about to lose him. I cried until my tears dried up and were replaced by anger. I decided that Adam would need to make a choice. Me or her. I couldn't live like this, I wouldn't. I waited for him to arrive home and told him that we needed to talk. He looked hopeful and sat next to me on the sofa. "I assume that you have come to your senses and are finally ready to discuss the possibility of Paige being our surrogate," he said confidently. "I knew that sooner or later you would see that not only is she the best choice, but really she is the only choice," he continued. I sat there listening to him, stunned that he could have read the situation so wrong. Finally, I had to interrupt him. "No Adam, I haven't decided that I am okay with you f*****g the woman that you apparently have developed feelings for. In fact, it is the complete opposite," I said. He just looked at me, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, but saying nothing. "I am aware that you and Paige have taken a liking to each other. However, I am not going to sit back and give my husband, my mate permission to have a f*****g affair. So, I am going to give you a choice. You can have me, or you can have Paige, but you cannot have both. This needs to be your decision, and I will allow you a few days to make it," I told him firmly. I could feel Star reaching out to Rusty during me telling him all of this. Adam stood and said that he would stay in the guest room for a few nights while he thought things through. He turned and headed for the stairs, stopping only to ruffle the twins' hair on the way. I admit that part of me was hoping that he would say he didn't need a few days. That I was the one he loved, and that of course he would choose me. When he didn't, it caused my heart to ache. I watched him disappear up the staircase, and honestly, I wasn't even sure that I recognised him. The man that I had fallen so deeply in love with was kind, considerate, and loyal. It wasn't the man who had just walked away from me without so much as a thought for how much his actions were hurting me. In fact, he had seemed more annoyed that I had used the word affair than concerned for our marriage. ALPHA ADAM MORRIS My stomach was a bubbling pit of emotion right now. I had genuinely thought that Amber had been about to give me the go-ahead to impregnate Paige. I had been sitting there hoping that it would take a while to get her pregnant. That I would get to keep on f*****g her, and there would be no blame on me for it. I needed Amber to agree to this. It was the only way that I could be with Paige and still be the Alpha of the Lakeside pack. Amber was the legitimate leader, not me. She was the silver wolf and the Alpha by blood. If she left me, then surely I would lose my position, too. When she said that it was either Paige or her, I wanted to jump up and shout that I chose Paige. I love Paige. There was no choice to make. Rusty stopped me, though. He wouldn't let me speak. He threatened that if I told Amber that, then he would no longer want to be my wolf. That he would block me. That is what stopped me. What is an Alpha werewolf without his f*****g wolf? I went up to the guest room and sulked. I figured that it was his mate bond with Star that made him act that way. Without that getting in the way, he would see that I was right. I could see the truth even with my mate bond still pulling me towards Amber. My skin still longed to be pressed up against hers, to feel that tingle rush through me when we touched. It still bothered me that I could feel that I was causing her pain. It felt like a knife through my own heart. Yet my thoughts would soon turn back to Paige, and I would push everything else away. I even felt less love for the twins. I hadn't even wanted to kiss them goodnight. A ruffle of their hair seemed enough. It wasn't as though they were really mine after all. They were orphans that I had been convinced by Amber to adopt. My children would be carried by the woman that I loved, Paige. I threw myself onto the bed and let thoughts of Paige and the life that we could have together fill my head. I knew that I would give in to this urge, this need for her, sooner or later. Amber clearly wasn't going to come around to Paige being the mother of my children, but then again, she would have never really just been that. Now, though, Amber had just handed me the perfect opportunity to get her out of the way so that she could no longer distract me, and then Paige and I could be together properly. I just needed a way to do it and still be the Alpha. My d**k was rock hard in my jeans from thinking about being with Paige. I freed it and wrapped my hand around it. Stroking myself rythmically as I pictured Paige in her tight cream trousers that she had worn to work today. When she bent over a table to clear it, I became very aware that she hadn't worn any underwear. I began pumping myself harder, imagining myself pulling those trousers down and taking her right then and there in front of the whole restaurant full of customers. I wondered what it would be like to hear her squeal with pleasure as I thrust myself inside of her wet p***y. After a while, I became frustrated when I still hadn't climaxed. I heard Amber climbing the stairs, and an image of her naked body flashed into my mind. I remembered how it felt when she kissed me. That was all it took. In a second, I was exploding all over my hand. I lay there panting for a few moments before getting up to clean myself up. How was it possible that I wanted Paige so much, yet it was only when I began thinking of Amber that I was able to c*m?
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