Chapter 18

1397 Words

Freya The unease in my heart doesn’t go away after dinner. Not even a shower can wash away the pain my unresolved feelings have left within my chest, and I take a deep, shaky breath. Why does it hurt so much? I press my forehead against the cool tiles, my heart pounding in trepidation. The scent of Bell’s aftershave still lingers in the bathroom, reminding me of the heated moment we shared - a moment I crave and regret in equal measures. Did the s*x really mean nothing to him? Dinner was a silent affair. Bell’s gaze had barely met mine across the table. His usual playful banter was absent, replaced by tight-lipped silence. It wasn’t just uncomfortable—it was downright oppressive. Emerging from the shower, I dry myself off and reluctantly make my way back into the kitchen, where Bell

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