Chapter 36 :: Dark secret of Natalie velez

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Flashback About almost 4/5 years after Natalie and Zahin returned to Russia as FBI informer....... on one silent, dark street of New York! It was almost midnight, Natalie was suppose to wait for Zahin but he was running she started walking home alone, unknown to the fact that someone was following her. Although when she could feel a cold pair of eyes drilling holes behind her back but when she turned, she found no one, so she began to walk again....... There again, the same drilling hole feeling,....this time it felt too real, hair of her neck stood up, heart sank in fear and her breathing came short when she felt several pairs of foot steps behind her, she just started walking faster until someone said,.....or rather, Hissed like venomous snake... 'hey traitor' And her heart stopped.....not because what he said but WHO said that. Benny! She swallowed hard and turned back only to see an amused smirk on his handsome ironic it was, yes he had good looks thanks to the surgery but his personalities remained same......dirty, Rotten to the core 'Benny' She tried as hard as possible to keep her calm, unconcerned but inwardly praying Zahin comes fast because he wasn’t alone..... there were others much stronger and she could feel it in her bones that this night is not going to end in peace, something bad is going to happened tonight. 'damn! you became more hot in past years' He purred and bit his lips, others looked at each other and smirked...... was that supposed to be a compliment ? Because only a nasty shiver ran down her spine, she discreetly looked around, unfortunately whole street was bare of life. her defensive mode kicked in and she took a step back only for Benny and others to smirk in more amused manner.....they knew they cornered her. one came after Benny was Damian, he was much bigger, always giving her lusty glares, deliberately touching every girls in their unit when they trained before...mmm this one had past record of Rape! He walked straight over her, towering above her......she cringed stepping away She knew what Benny did with Mayuree years ago,......her fear returned, this time no one was there, her hand was shaking, she knew she was on her own. 'What do you think guys.....' Benny drawled looking up and down at her with hunger,.....breath knocked out of her,....his intention was pure evil and nothing else. One thing she realized that all of them knew she is the mole in Harold's team but she wasn’t sure if Harold sent them to get her or All of them came here on their own ...... 'Benny,....what are you doing here' She asked in a very very calm voice, nonchalantly but her heart was pounding against her ribcage so fast that she couldn’t breath....she realized she was going to have panic attack 'I think we'll have enough time Benny' Damian ignored her and mocked 'T__time for w...what' She stuttered And with that Benny's fist landed on her jaw with a painful punch..... 'Ahh' She gasped in pain and fell on her front......streams of tears left her face! He crouched down and clicked his tongue. 'there there, this was for the last time time,..... i didn’t want to hit you like that you know made me lost my target,...... you ruined Harold's business......but Don't worry, we'll teach you lesson today' 'you f*****g loosers, all of you and Harold is a bastard....just because Zahin bested you in everything, you are trying to get to him through me' She flinched away again and said Damian's face darkened, he moved forward and slapped her hard......she could taste blood on her lips. 'We'll take turn....i guess, boys' Benny said and chuckled darkly before looking behind her back. look on his face made her go rigid in fear.....until she felt something pierced her skin......'ahhh' She screamed and her hand straight on her neck. She looked behind her only to find another crony of Damian,.....Pugachev! she looked flabbergasted....... 'can you feel the burning inside, beautiful' Pugachev purred soon as the word left his mouth her body started to react.....there's this weird twitch, and shiver all over her sensitive places in her body. 'look at that.....this is new drug under development you know, Nat! absolutely raw!.....pure...and look how you are reacting to it' Benny said smirking big other two came forward pulling her up, they started dragging her towards a black sleek van..... 'I'll hold her first for two of you,.....then I'll do her' Damian said with a nasty smirk! hearing him her blood run cold all over again.....only, she had no control over her body. 'Oh! Yes! One last gangbang before we take her to Harold......he wouldn’t mind this time! Remember what he did with the other pack w***e, Lena ?' Pugachev said scratching his jaw 'why last.....Russia is far away! We can do it as many times as we like' Benny said again looking at her meaningfully So, Harold did send them! 'P_please...stop, stop Damian please' She begged, literally begged infront of him.....terrified by his sudden attack He looked at her for second and asked 'do you believe in god ?' She bobbed her head in affirmation not being able to say anything..... He cruelly smirked....'we are your god today' and hissed His black eyes fixed on her......and she laid on the ground terrified, frozen on that spot.....even though her mind screamed to run, her limbs refused to move, fear of him immobilized her entirely. 'because of your betrayal, all of we are destroyed.....on run' Pugachev growled They were three of them and she was all alone, even when she gathered her wit to get up and fight, Damian suddenly came behind her and put her down by her hair....she screamed in pain. She tried to kick but Pugachev hold her by her leg tightly keeping it in place. Natalie kept thrashing and struggling and fighting but all in vain. Benny was scary before, but right now, after all these years staying with Harold he became monster,... Monster was angry, furious! He forcefully kissed her and growled against her mouth... 'do you know how much i wanted her,.....that sweet little thing! but your boyfriend ah! No, Fuckbuddy saved her that day' She stilled....realizing that he was talking about Mayuree. 'You'll never get her, now' She spat angrily Her defiance, It only enraged all of them even more.....'stop wasting time benny' Damian growled And they didn't waste time at all......they dragged her to their minivan, gagged her to make sure she couldn’t scream. They punched her at least twice, slapped her, chocked her, subdued her......they ______ she tried her best to keep fighting but there was so much going on inside her body,......she could barely keep her eyes open, But too much pain! Pain everywhere! She could just wait for them to finish......eyes half open, breathing heavily,.....helpless! suddenly something caught her eyes, metal glint ? Gun! ......Damian groaned an hissed reaching his climax. She felt nothing but disgusted,..... But she was going to see the end of it.....slowly her hand moved from her side. As soon as it came to her reach she took it in a blink and pulled the trigger without thinking......Damian's eyes went wide in shock before his movement went limp over her. Then she pushed him off and with much difficulties she slid open van's door and jumped out but not before shooting Pugachev between the eyes who was mindlessly smoking. Benny however was no where to be found after he f****d her first and left her for them..... Well, there will be surprise gift waiting for him as he comes back. She thought. She is not going anywhere and never with any of them....with that determination she limped towards home....unlocked her apartment door, discarded her clothes in the middle of her living room and poured gasoline on them and set them on fire and watched them burn.Then, she went straight to her washroom...... Cold freezing water cascaded down on her battered, bloody, bruised skin and reality finally settled on her. 'Why!' 'Whyyyyyy.....God, whyyyyyyyyyy' She scream as sob racked her body Natalie had no idea for how long she stayed under shower head.....just let out her pent up anger and frustration in form of stream of tears...... ' stupid stupid f*****g bitch.....why didn’t you fight back..huh ? Why why why....why did you froze in fear huhh' She rambled and slapped herself repeatedly and pulled her own hair in misery........ She let out a howl in pain......her scream resonated against the wall of her washroom and outside too But one thing she was grateful for was Zahin or Kol wasn’t matter how much she craved at least one of their presence. She knew she couldn’t face them right after what happened. Her white skin was so raw from how long she was scrubbing her body repeatedly to wash their filth off it that it stung a bit......she came out of washroom looking like a corpse! She jumped suddenly hearing her phone ringing but as soon as she saw Zahin name, tear brimmed her eyes....she didn’t dare to pick it up! After awhile a message floated on her was from Zahin "sorry baby, i would not be able to make it tonight.....I've stay here another week, Good night,TC." Another sob racked her body........ She just wrapped herself in Zahin's much bigger shirt and fell on bed, letting her tiredness consume her. By the time Zahin came back from mission she recovered from all the bruised......they disappeared! She welcomed him home with a huge smile. But what about her soul that was already shattered into million pieces........ ----------------

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