Chapter 10 :: Sneak peek

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KING's Mansion,..... sitting on a rocking chair....Richard King was looking at a large portrait of beautiful married couple with a fake smile on their face.....and apparently that was the only picture of them as they never made any new memories in their 3 years of marriage.....he took deep breath and sighed sadly! He regretted his many decisions from time and again but he really hoped this wasn’t one of them! Right now he is regretting, for none of them were happy! What kind of marriage is this ? How does a marriage survive like this ? He really thought Mayuree would bring little change in his son's dull life... He still remembered the first time he met her. A 15 years old girl....beautiful, kind, simple......And saw a daughter he once wished to have. If only things wouldn’t have ended the way it did,..If only Raina would've been alive..... If Only she____ Alexander Parrish and Richard King were friends from their school time...... while Raina, Richards wife was pregnant with Rikkard but Alex and Naina wasn’t lucky enough! Mayuree was born after 14 years. Alex and Nina's only daughter. He still remembers how heartbroken they were when Doctor told them they can't have another child again ever... Many things changed in all those years,... Richard was busy settling down his business, Raina was left alone at home with their son, she might've felt neglected and Richard didn’t notice anything as he was too busy.....No one knew what's going inside her mind, what kind of crowd she got herself mixed with....Nothing! It's funny how something so small so little turn into something___ catastrophic! that left Richard shocked to the core and heart broken and his son bitter to the point he could never trust anyone..... Not even his own wife! But he have to try! they have to try...... Meanwhile at KING's office,....a week ago! Rikkard was still contemplating the fact that his little wife wanted separation.... a Divorce to be exact! She did mention that indirectly,....that's what she wanted! A Divorce, shouldn’t he be happy ? That's what he always wanted right ? for her to give up! for her to do something crazy like once his mother..... No! NOT that woman! Not his mother, someone like her can not be his mother! As much as he didn’t want to admit it that he was mad, furious even that she wanted to leave him,....That, she doesn’t want him. That she never wanted him before, it was his ego, that was hurt! Does she have any idea how many girl would happily swap places with her ? No one leaves Rikkard King until he wants them to.....And she'll remain his wife as long as he wants her to! She belongs to him. She belongs to the KING! for the first time in 3 years, he was always curious about her but this time it got the best of him,..... He pulled out his phone to call his one of the most trusted people his eyes and ears inside and outside of his company to keep tab on everyone to find information about his wife right after there date....Only to be found nothing..... Nothing at all! no record found about her school or college life, not even a single picture, no history,... Who is she then ? His head was spinning, was like a hard punch on gut, not after all these years, not with his wife too. Why keeping someone's record so confidential, she was a tax paying American, is she not ? why hide it at all! suddenly his phone rang..... It was his dad,.. 'Hello' "Hello son!, are you!?" 'What do want ?' "Is this any way you talk to your dad ?" 'WHAT.DO.YOU.WANT.FATHER ?' He asked putting extra weight over his words "alright, alright! Did you go on that date with your wife ?" 'Yes!! And ?' there was a slight pause on the other side....... "It’s been 3 years Rikk, she should be moving in with you son! When are you planning to ask her that ?" 'Yeah! how about never' He asked with sarcasm laced voice "Rikk,....It's your marriage, respect it, honour it and more than anything enjoy it! I want you to call her and tell her to move in with you" 'You know,..... who named you Richard king ? puppet master suits you better. I did everything you wanted me to do all these years and you still want to have a control over my life.. even now ?' Rikkard growled "Rikk,....son! Just give it chance at least! I'd never ask you to do something if its bad for you,...I'm not your enemy" 'Yeah! Yeah! Bye' the call ended and left him to think if he should really give this marriage a chance....! yes It's been 3 years! he knew that.......he understood! 3 years of waiting was no less than a torture for him,.....he wasn’t happy either behaving like asshole to his wife, acting like he doesn’t know who she was infront of everyone. He didn’t miss the little look of hurt in her eyes whenever they met in any family functions or business parties and he didn’t acknowledge her. She wasn’t a people’s person not in the past and not even in present,.....She always hides around a corner watching everything, everyone....looking at him. then why ? why did she _____ one of many reasons he'd always booked a scheduled area in restaurant,......she looked absolutely beautiful in that red/orange saree, he wanted to tell her that and many other things......but that was before she dropped the big bomb successfully ruining his mood --------
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