Chapter 18. Kayla

1628 Words
Today felt interminably long. I’m amazed I’d managed to get through the long hours without throwing myself on Ash. He’d staked out a spot in the conference room since the desk he usually sat at was otherwise occupied on Fridays. I’d only briefly seen him at lunch when he stopped by my desk to drop off a sandwich, since I was in back-to-back meetings all day. I was happy I was wearing underwear because when he gave me that secret smile and a wink with my lunch, I was instantly ready to take him on my desk. I was packing up my things, 100% ready to spend private time with Ash, when my phone buzzed with an incoming message from him. Ash: I’ve got to run a quick errand. I’ll meet you at your place in about 30 minutes. My mouth twitches in a smile, and I type three responses before finally deciding on a simple, “K.” I don’t include any of the emoticons that are now permanently on the top of my screen, all hearts and kisses. I sigh and slip my phone in my purse, waving goodbye to Megan, the receptionist. I’m secretly glad Ash had to do something before coming over tonight. Walking in together this morning had caused the whispered rumors that never really died out about us to surge again. Brett had been seething all day, glaring at Ash every time he saw him, and being even more of a pest towards me than normal. If Ash and I had left the office at the same time, there’s no way I’d be able to discourage the rumors. As it is, anytime I see Ash or talk about him, I can’t hide the smile that spreads across my lips. I just don’t want to do anything that overtly confirms we’re more intimate than ‘just friends’ should be. I’m still not sure if the company has a policy about co-workers dating, but sleeping with one of the senior consultants is not something I want to advertise. It wouldn’t be good for my professional reputation. The walk home clears my lingering concerns about work out of my head, and by the time I unlock my front door, I feel completely relaxed. Kicking off my shoes, I let my mind drift, wondering what the night with Ash will bring. He’d packed a bag with a change of clothes and a few essentials before we left his place this morning. He said it didn’t mean he would stay the night, but he wanted to be prepared for the eventuality. We both know he’s going to stay the night, but saying it out loud seems presumptuous. The knock on the door brings me back to reality. I open it to find Ash smiling at me holding a single red rose. I’m instantly flustered, and hope he doesn’t see how horribly awkwardly nerdy I really am. “Ash, you didn’t need to do this!” I try to think if anyone has ever bought me flowers before, and realize that this is a first. “Thank you,” I say as I accept the rose. I leave the door open for him to come in and head into the kitchen, wondering if I have anything that will work as a vase. I also need something to do with my hands while I work through the emotions running ragged through me, making me want more than what was being offered. It’s a flower, not a freaking marriage proposal! I open cupboards, frowning at the contents, until I spot an empty wine bottle I’d set next to the trash can a few days before. Grabbing it, I rinse it out in the sink a few times before putting fresh water in it and gently placing the rose inside. It’s a little w*********h, but it’ll work. “You can’t tell me no one’s ever given you flowers before,” Ash says, and I realize he’s been scrutinizing me this whole time. I look at him wide eyed, wondering if I could be an even bigger loser. “How did you know that?” His brows draw together. “You can’t be serious.” I turn back to the rose and place it in the light from the window, giving myself extra time to think of an excuse that doesn’t make me sound so lame. I decide the truth is probably the best, part of it at least. “I haven’t really dated very much. Too much else going on, and… I don’t know…” I trail off, unwilling to admit that I have truly horrible taste in men and am awful at relationships. Hopefully, Ash will change all that, but it feels like tempting fate to say that out loud. I jump a little as his arms circle my waist and his lips press against my neck. I relax against him and shift my head to the side to give him better access to my neck, enjoying the shivers that spread through my entire body as his teeth gently scrape the sensitive flesh. I’m not sure why this feels so natural so quickly, but in his arms is now my favorite place to be. “I’m going to have to make it a regular thing, then,” he whispers in my ear, causing goosebumps to break out on my arms. “You still haven’t explained how you knew,” I whisper back to him, not sure I can trust my voice. He laughs as he lets me go with a quick kiss on my shoulder and I fight the urge to pout, already missing his warmth. “You won’t look at me when you’re flustered.” I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment. “Am I really that predictable?” I ask. “It’s endearing,” his smile is soothing and the tone of his voice breaks through any defenses my heart has left. He tucks his hands in his pockets and rocks a little on his feet. “So, sushi?” My body is still tingling and twitching from his touch, my brain flashing pornographic images of what we could be doing instead of eating sushi. Don’t be a wanton little slut, I chide myself, afraid that if I’m too easy, he’ll get the wrong idea about me. I roll my eyes as I realize I’ve already slept with him; how much easier can I get? He’s still looking at me, waiting for an answer, but I’m so caught up in my internal dialogue, I’ve forgotten the question. “I… what?” “For dinner,” he reminds me, his eyebrow c*****g up in amusement. “Or something else, if you prefer.” Get it together, slut! “No, sushi sounds good,” I manage to say. He’s staring at me with an odd look on his face, and I’m briefly worried I’ve said some of my internal dialogue out loud. It wouldn’t be the first time. The intensity of his eyes is beginning to make me squirm. “What?” “Just curious,” he says cryptically. He moves across the kitchen towards me and presses me back against the cabinets. I close my eyes in anticipation of feeling his lips on mine, ready and eager to surrender to him. The kiss isn’t gentle. It’s full of heat and passion, like a fire burning out of control. His hands slide over my body, and I can’t stop the moan of desire as they slip under my skirt and run up my thighs. My fingers grip his shoulders tightly, letting my desperation for him take over. He picks me up and sets me on the counter, neither of us breaking the kiss. My legs wrap around his waist as he presses against me. My fingers tangle in his hair, keeping him close, and I want all of him. Just as I feel like we’ve passed the point of no return, he steps back, breaking our contact. It feels like the air has been sucked from my lungs, and I reel slightly as the world lurches under me. I blink the blurriness out of my eyes, confused as to why he had pulled away, my heart pounding in my ears. His boy-like grin answers my question. “You are a bad man,” my voice is husky with barely contained lust. His grin only gets wider in response. “Yup,” he agrees happily. “You ready to go to dinner?” I c**k my head to the side, studying him, wondering if my heart rate will ever slow down to normal. It’s obvious he’s as affected by our kiss as I am, so what’s his aim? Seduction? I wonder if I’m capable of seducing him. I’ve never tried seducing anyone before, but it might be fun. For now, maybe I’ll just follow his lead. “Sure,” I smile at him, trailing my hand down the inside of his thigh, “but it looks like you may still need a moment.” He shifts his weight, his eyes watching my hand before shifting back, meeting my gaze with the intensity I’m starting to realize means my teasing is working. “I’m gonna need more than a moment, honey,” he practically growls. “Later,” he adds when I smile. “I want to take my time with you, and what I have in mind is going to take sustenance.” My body clenches, and I have to bite my lip to stop myself from moaning. He helps me down from the counter, and holds me while I wobble on knees gone weak. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to get through dinner without jumping him.
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