Chapter 16. Kayla

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We climb in his car and I try not to giggle as he speeds us to his house. I’m pretty sure he ran a stop sign, but I’m relieved to see he’s as eager as I am to do this. So, it’s baffling when we’re standing in his house, and I feel like an unexperienced teenager. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” he says. “Glad to hear I’m not the only one,” I smile at him. I’m trying not to fidget, but the butterfly tornado is going full force in my stomach. “It’s you. That should be comforting, but it seems…” I gesture with my hands, trying to find the right word. “Big,” I finish lamely, hoping he knows what I mean. Is s*x worth destroying a friendship I truly rely on? The last few weeks without feeling our easy-going connection have been insanely difficult. Would this be the final nail in the coffin of whatever we had? He seems to relax, knowing I’m nervous. Before I can voice any of the concerns flashing through my mind, he closes the gap between us. All my worries disappear when his lips descend to mine and he rekindles the fire that had started on the cold terrace. I moan softly as he deepens the kiss. Yes, this is what I want. His hands move over my body, and before I register what he’s doing, he slides my simple dress over my head before stepping back to look at me. I feel more naked now than I did all through class. “I can explain.” “I’m fine with this,” he grins at me. “Underwear gives lines, so I don’t wear them when I’m going to model for a class, but I wear it normally.” I know I’m babbling, but I can’t seem to stop talking. “It’s just that after class, I usually go straight home so I just don’t bother to pack any, and I wasn’t expecting to see you there. Or to… well, umm… you know… any of this.” “Honestly, sweetheart, if you never wear underwear, I’m ok with that,” his voice is deep and sexy and I swear I start to swoon again when he calls me sweetheart. “In fact, I think I want to encourage it.” He reaches for me again, letting his fingers explore as he trails his hands down the sides of my breasts, over my hips, and up my spine making me quiver with his impossibly gentle caresses. I’m desperate to feel his skin against mine, so I tug his t-shirt over his head and marvel at a patch of curly dark hair sprinkled across his chest leading to a thin line that disappears under the waistband of his jeans. I run my hands over his chest, surprised that the coarse looking hair is so soft. His muscles bunch under my touch, filling me with a new found sense of power. This intimacy with him is beginning to feel more natural and I wonder why we took so long to start. Lifting up on my toes, I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my body against his, silently begging for another kiss. His mouth lowers to capture mine, and I let out a surprised gasp as he lifts me effortlessly, my legs wrapping around his waist instinctively. I nuzzle his neck and nibble his ear as he carries me down the hall to his bedroom. The stubble on his jaw is rough on my cheek, and I enjoy the prickly sensation. Ash places me on a soft bed and I watch with fascination as he undoes his jeans and slides them to the floor. My breath catches at the sight of him fully aroused. Holy smokes, he’s big! I haven’t been with many men, so I don’t have a lot to compare it to, but I’m pretty sure that’s not going to fit anywhere in my body. I’ve never really worried about my lack of experience before, but now I’m nervous I won’t be enough for him. I bite my lower lip, but he just smiles at me. I’m trying to figure out how to tell him he’s not going to fit when the mattress shifts under his weight as he joins me on the bed. His hand slides down my inner thigh, applying gentle pressure, spreading my legs effortlessly. My thoughts turn to mush as his fingers slowly caress my slit. I’m already wetter than I think I’ve ever been, and my head falls back on the pillow with a moan of pleasure as he pushes a finger deep inside me. My hips thrust against his hand and I think it couldn’t possibly get any better than this, but then I feel his warm breath on my p*ssy. I go still wondering if he’s about to do what I think he’s about to do. I start panting as his tongue gently probes my cl*t in the same rhythm as his finger sliding in and out of me. My hands form fists in the quilt, and I bite back screams when he adds another finger moving inside me. He curls his fingers now buried in me, hitting a spot that makes me see stars, but it’s when he sucks my cl*t gently that I lose all control. My entire body is quivering like a bow string just released, and I scream his name as I come. “Mmmm…” his hum of satisfaction vibrates against my sensitive flesh, and I crack my eyes open to look at him smiling at me from between my legs. His lips and chin are shiny with my juices, and the image is so erotic I shudder even as I feel my pulse speed up in anticipation. All doubts melt away under his knowing touch, and I wonder how I’ve ever survived without this feeling of simultaneous power and vulnerability. I’ve never had an org*sm that strong before, never let myself go so completely. But I know Ash would never hurt me. I trust him implicitly. The thought is both reassuring and terrifying. He starts to move up my body, leaving a trail of hot, open-mouth kisses over my belly. When he reaches my breasts, he makes a low humming noise deep in his throat and captures one of my taut n*pples between his teeth, sucking and biting softly while his hand pinches my other n*pple and kneads my breast. My back arches towards him, begging for more. His mouth continues the trail up, over my collarbone, and kissing my neck. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs against my skin. “And you taste so f*cking good.” I feel like my heart is going to leap out of my chest. I can’t find my voice, even if I knew how to respond to that, but it doesn’t matter because his mouth is on mine again. I can taste myself on his tongue, and even though I always thought that would be weird, it’s only turning me on even more. His hard length is pressed against me, and I have no control over my hips that are thrusting up towards him. I still think there’s no way he’s going to fit, but my body doesn’t care what I think. I need him inside me. Now. Ash reaches to the side to a bedside table and fumbles in a drawer. Pulling a condom out, he tears open the foil and rolls the thin barrier over his shaft. He uses his hand to position himself at my entrance, but then pauses, waiting until I look him in the eye. “Are you sure?” Is he kidding? The strain is evident in his voice, and my heart clenches that he still has the presence of mind to ask me if I’m sure. I nod and manage to whisper, “Yes.” “You’re so wet for me,” he says as his clever fingers find my cl*t again and start rubbing me back into a frenzy before he slowly pushes into me. “God, you’re so tight!” I feel my insides stretching to accommodate him as he fills me past anything I ever thought possible. My hips lift and I let out a small squeak of surprise when I realize he’s fully in me. “Are you ok?” he asks worriedly, a thin sheen of sweat forming on his forehead as he struggles not to move, letting me adjust to his size. “Yes,” I breathe the word out. “Ash, don’t stop,” I beg him, my hips starting to move, craving the pressure and movement of our bodies sliding together. He starts slowly, gently sliding out then pushing back in as my hips lift to meet him. I let out another wanton moan, and grip his shoulders as he changes the angle and seems to fill me even more. Half formed words tumble from my lips as my entire body begins tingling. He picks up the pace, and my hips match him stroke for stroke as he pounds into me. The tingling sensation gets stronger, and with a shock, I realize I’m about to come again. I cry out as my body clenches around him, shuddering out my release. Ash stills, buried deep inside me, his guttural moan mingling with my higher pitch in intimate harmony. He rolls over, dragging me on top of him, and I rest my head on his chest listening to his rapid heartbeat. My body is still twitching with aftershocks, and my own heart rate is going a million miles an hour. I feel him slip out of me, and a small disappointed sound escapes my lips at the sudden empty feeling. Ash chuckles and kisses my forehead before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom, I assume to take care of the condom. My eyes are growing heavy, and when his warm body presses against my back, and his arms pull me close to his chest, I can’t resist the urge to snuggle into him. It feels like only moments pass when I blink my eyes open, slightly disoriented, surprised I’d fallen asleep. I’ve never been able to relax with anyone enough to sleep in the same bed, but now I find myself groggy, wrapped in Ash’s arms, and feeling very good. Ash’s deep rhythmic breathing tells me he also slipped into slumber after our love making. The memory of it fills me with a delicious shiver. The room is shrouded in darkness, and I wonder what time it is, hoping it’s not as late I’m afraid it is. I try to slip away from Ash enough to see the clock without waking him up, but at the slightest movement, his embrace tightens and he nestles deeper into my neck. I smile, but wiggle against him, trying to free myself. “If you don’t stop that, you’re going to start something,” he mumbles in my ear. It’s not entirely a bad idea, but… “What time is it?” I ask him. “Hmm?” He rolls over enough to squint at the clock. “Looks like 11:11,” he says in a sleepy voice. “What? Sh*t” I bolt upright in bed and stare at the clock, willing it to be wrong. The numbers click over to 11:12 just to rub it in. “F*ck.” He trails a hand down my back, his touch soothing and arousing simultaneously. “What’s wrong?” I push the hair out of my face, annoyed with myself. “The last train back to the city left at eleven,” I tell him. His arm immediately snakes around me and pulls me back down and pins me to the mattress. “Guess you’ll just have to spend the night,” he says happily, kissing my shoulder and letting his hand roam over my belly, dipping lower with every movement. “Ash, I’m serious,” I try to stop his wandering hand, but my heart isn’t really in it. Already, my body is responding to his touch, my breath catching in my throat. I’d never spent the night in bed with anyone before, though, and the idea has a lick of panic dancing at the edge of my mind. Geez, is there any way I can make it so he doesn’t see what a hot mess I am first thing in the morning? I’m about to argue with him more until his finger dips into my center. My eyes flutter closed on a sigh as he begins to work me up. “Ash, I have to be in the office tomorrow.” “Call in sick,” he says simply. “I’m still on probation. And we go into production in two weeks. There’s too much to… oh gods,” I lose my train of thought as he adds another finger to his torture. His teeth scrape my ear and a shiver runs down my spine. “You can stay here.” My hips start to grind against him and I can’t think straight anymore. “I can’t. Ahhh… I have to…” “Mmmm…” His self-satisfied noise helps me regain some control. The man is impossible! I put my hand on his to stop him driving me insane. “Ash, please.” Unperturbed, he nuzzles my neck. “Ok, so we get up early and I take you in to work.” “You work from home on Fridays,” I point out stubbornly. “Not tomorrow. I’ve got a big date in the city that I don’t want to be late for.” I feel his lips curve up in a smile against my skin. “It’s you, by the way. You’re my big date.” He’s adorable, and my heart is doing crazy cartwheels at his words. “I don’t have underwear,” I remind him, “and I can’t wear that dress to work a second day in a row.” He kisses my neck. “I’ll take you home so you can change, and then we’ll go to the office. Although, I still say no underwear is just fine. Now, relax. There’s nothing you can do about it now, so stop worrying.” I have to admit, he has a point. It’s not like I’m going to call Smash or Tone to drive all the way out here to pick me up. I suppose I could call an Uber, but Ash’s hand starts to move again, and it seems like a much better idea to let him have his way. I close my eyes and let the sensations he’s awakening in me take over. It’s not long before I’m writhing and moaning under him again. This is a much better idea than taking an Uber home.
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