Chapter 7

1357 Words
Suddenly when I was playing with my mother, my mother turned into another woman. She became a big madam, her hand trying to reach me. I glared at him, and I took his hand. I was so annoyed with the Big Madame that I broke her hand. "Prokkkk!" Instantly someone shouted loudly, "Awww ... it hurts!" It was the voice of the Big Mistress that made me wake up from a dream. I also saw the big madam in front of me. I don't know what he's doing in this room, but his behavior certainly disturbs my privacy. A loud scream had invited my father and servants to come here. Father immediately approached, he saw his wife's hand was injured. "What happened?" I don't know what happened, I can't answer dad's question. The confused face was clear on my face. While holding her sore hand, the big lady said, "It's okay, it's my fault. I trespassed. Husband, let's go out "as he walked out of this room. My father looked at me sharply. He frowned without being angry with me. Then the father went after his wife, and the servants went after the departure of the Big Mistress. Living room. The big lady continued to moan in pain, spraining her hand. Luckily it wasn't broken. He did not expect to experience something like this. "Please call a doctor!" asked dad. "Yes, sir," replied the waiter. Father also sat beside the big madam. "What happened? Why did your hand hurt? Did that child hurt you? " The madam endured the pain in her hands. She kept thinking about what had happened at that time to make her daydream. "Dear!" call her husband. Her husband's voice made her wake up, and she turned to her husband. "Ah, never mind. This is all my fault. I entered without permission. Yes, isn't in the room? I think just having a nightmare. " "Nightmare? What nightmare made him do something like this to you?" "You saw his face, didn't you? He doesn't know what happened. He didn't do this to me on purpose. He just had a bad dream. Never mind, don't bother! " Not long after that, the doctor who was called came, he immediately did his job. He examined Mrs. Besar's dislocated hand, bandaged Mrs. Besar's hand, and gave her pain medication. After making his career, the doctor left. The doctor's departure coincided with Zanko's arrival. The gangster-looking handsome man immediately approached his mother. He saw his mother was injured. "Mother, what happened? Are you sick? What happened to the mother's hand? "Zanko asked as he sat on the sofa opposite his mother. "Oh, here. It's okay," replied the mother as she looked at her bandaged hand. "Mother, why are you always like this? Tell Zanko, who hurt mom? What's the man beside the mother? " Zanko's mother, as well as the big lady, looked at her husband. Zanko's mother was annoyed to see that her son had not yet accepted her husband as his father. "Zanko !! He is your father. He is your father! " "Ah, yes… yes… I would say he was a father if you said who hurt you? It's an easy thing, right? If mom keeps a secret, then Zanko won't accept it either. Zanko is an adult, not a child anymore! So Zanko also has the right to protect his mother," he explained. Zanko's mother could only take a deep breath. What her son said was true. No secrets. They must be open to each other if they are to be accepted into this family. "This is just an accident. I'm about to wake Zhi Zhe for dinner together. Zhi Zhe seemed to be having a nightmare, so he accidentally hurt my hand. It's okay, Zanko, he didn't do it on purpose!" said Mrs. Zanko as she looked at her hand. Zanko, who heard the explanation from his mother, was annoyed, but Zanko did not show an annoyed face. He just smiled sweetly so that his mother would not know his annoyance. Zanko will make the girl accept the consequences of hurting her mother. For Zanko, it doesn't matter if the girl doesn't get her mother as her stepmother. But Zanko didn't accept it if the girl hurt her mother. Zanko let out a deep sigh, "Huh ... alright. Then where is the girl? Ah, I mean, where is Zhi Zhe? " "He's resting in his room. Why are you coming home early? Usually, you come home at night?" asked his mother. "Oh, that, don't I have a younger brother that I have to look after. So I came home early!" she replied as she stood up and went to Zhi Zhe's room. Zanko slowly climbed each step, his mind always on Zhi Zhe, who hurt his mother and himself who lied to her. Zanko came home early not because he had a younger sister but because he didn't want to get into trouble with other gangs. The gang likes to get into trouble with him at school. Zanko arrived in front of the girl's room. He knocked on the door. "Knock ... knock ... okay..." the door knocked softly. Zanko also thought that the girl would not wake up if he was gentle with him. Zanko began to clench his fists and wanted to knock on the door as hard as possible. But he did not do that. His hand stopped as soon as the entrance to this room was opened by the girl. The girl looked neat, had a fresh face, and didn't look like she was sleeping. "Hey, are you really sleeping or just pretending?" asked Zanko. Paying attention to Zanko, who is indeed a slightly annoyed face at me. I just put on a flat face reacting to it. "Oh, what's wrong? Have you never seen a neat girl? Are all your friends rude? Knocking on the door with an ordinary hand, no need to bulge like wanting to beat someone else! "I replied sarcastically. "Ah, about that! I did this because I thought you were going to sleep soundly on a soft bed. I want to ask you a question, and you must answer it honestly! " "Yes, of course, alright. What do you want to ask me? " "What have you done to my mother? If you don't like my mom, that's okay. No one will force you to make my mother your mother. But you have no right to hurt her. She is my mother! " "Oh that, then where is the problem?" "Aaaargh ... damn you! Why did you dislocate my mother's hand? " "Oh, I don't know! I just saw him enter my room. As I recall, I didn't ask anyone in my room. What is your mother doing in my room? " "Eh, this is my house and my mother's house. He has the right to enter wherever he wants. All the rooms in this house belong to him! " "Oh, I thought I was allowed to have a private place. Yes, okay, I'm sorry for hurting your mother. " "Huh… apologizing won't be enough! And also apologize not to me, but to my mother! " "Then where is your mother?" "He's in the living room. You will meet him and apologize to him, right? " "Yes, of course." "Seriously?" "Yes, seriously! Ah, yeah ... I'm not seriously apologizing to you. You are not your mother! "I said immediately out of the room and went to meet the big madam. Zanko, who heard Zhi Zhe's answer as soon as he started to get annoyed, "Oh, yes it is. I'm not a girl! What do you mean equating me with a girl?" he said while following me "I didn't say you're a girl!" "Aaarrhh .... but you said earlier! It's the same you look down on me like a girl!" "Oh, but I'm not. You said it yourself! " "Hey! You must apologize to me! Must!" "I won't. I'm taking my words so I won't apologize to Zanko!" On the last step, Zanko stopped babbling. He just had a flat face with an annoying heart. 
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