Chapter 5 Hard day

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Hard day. Zhi Zhe's room space. It's been a long time since I've been in this room alone. I began to hope that dad would come and let me return to my life. I really expected, but my hope faded as soon as it came, not my father but my two half brothers. They have sullen faces on me. From their appearance, I could tell that they wanted to leave. But something was blocking their desire to leave, something they couldn't fight. "What is wrong? Why did you come in here? I didn't ask you to come!" I said while distracting, looking out the veranda. "Hey, don't get me wrong. Yes, there isn't. We both just want to ask, "said Zanko, boys- men dressed as gang members. "Oh, I see. What do you want to ask?" I asked, watching the two men. "You don't mind if you accept that maid in front of your room to help you? Ah, yes, the two of us can also go, right?" "Huh, why? Why are you two asking me silly things? Isn't it right to leave? I have nothing to do with you, right? How troublesome!" Instantly Zanko was annoyed, "Aankh ... you are so annoying! Hey, listen carefully. We came and asked carefully, why do you find us a bother? In fact, you are a bother. Because of you, we are not allowed by mom to go, you know!". I smiled sarcastically. I only showed a friendly side of myself. The other side is actually I am furious to hear Zanko babble to me. "Who asked? Oh, so it was your mother who asked you to come here, huh? Geez! You better go away. I don't want to see your faces here. " "Yes, fine, because it is your wish, of course, we will go. Come on, brother, let's go! " Zanko and Yasashi left me. I can only smile sarcastically as they go. I won't ask anyone for help, even if my condition is like this. I can't walk because of my own actions. I deserve to be punished like this, I don't respect my stepmother, and I don't accept it. I still remember something in my ear that dad told me back then. In my memory, Father said to me, "Your mother is already happy with other people. You must be able to understand all of this. All this dad is doing for our good too. Dad just wants you to be happy. Rest assured, your two stepsisters will accept you as you are. They are very different from what others describe as half brothers. Your stepbrother will be the man who cares for you the most throughout your life. " Yes, it looks like what daddy said to me seemed the opposite of the truth. In fact, my half-brother gave up quickly and didn't accept me as I was. They don't even like to be bothered by me, who is just an ordinary girl. "Yes, it looks like my father's judgment was off the mark about them. Father doesn't know the truth. But who wants to be bothered? I don't want to either. I can do everything by myself. I could. I will definitely be able to get past all these obstacles and meet mom again. Yes, I understand why mom and dad can't be together. But someday, I will definitely be able to meet mom again," I muttered hopefully. I also tried to get up from my bed. Reaching for the stack beside my bed. Then I tried to stand up without help. I feel my right leg hurts. I couldn't even hold my own weight, so I fell and collapsed to the floor. "Aaaaa ...!" I shouted, my body hit hard on this shiny tile floor. The sound of falling sticks to the floor made a loud sound that could be heard outside. The waitress, who was still out, hurried away. Zanko and Yasashi, who had not left this room, also listened to the loud voice. The two of them immediately turned away and ran towards Zhi Zhe's room. The existence of Zhi Zhe. I said that I got up from the fall, I kept trying as hard as I could. But I can't do it. Not only does my right leg hurts but my left leg too. I really can't get up and even go back to bed. I can't. "Huh, annoying! I have to get well soon," I said, trying to stand up. Uninvited, without orders, this housekeeper entered my room. They helped me up, but I fought them. They helped me up, embraced me. "What are you doing? Let me go!" I said again. "Young lady, we will help young lady stand up. It's okay, miss, we can definitely help you!" "Let me go! I can walk alone, I can walk alone!" They helped me up and let me go when I could bear my weight. It was then that my two half brothers came back to this room again. They ran and stopped right in front of me. "What is wrong? Why is it so noisy!" said Zanko. "What's your business? I'm not asking you two to come back. Go away!" "Oh, how annoying! If you kick us both out like that, we won't come back either. Who wants to come back here? It sucks!" said Zanko. Annoyed, he left this room. But Yasashi, the Big Madame's first child, is still here. He watched me and smiled sweetly. "I know, I can guess what happened. But can't you accept this servant's presence? They will help you. Yes, I know it is hard for you, but don't think that only you have a hard time. We both feel the same way too. So, be a good boy!" he said coldly to me. The man left me. His words to me mean that he also cannot accept my presence here. We cannot get each other's new family members. Both in my family and in Yasashi's own family. Maybe, that guy is just like me. Yes, I mean he did the same as me, pretended to accept a new member in this life and could only be quiet and agree to everything for the most valuable person in his life. The servants of the house are still here. They are still standing and waiting for my orders. With two sticks on my right and left, I can walk. I walked over to the veranda. From this veranda, I can see far away from the scenery. The view of this residential, spacious housing with a beautiful garden. "Where is the father of two?" I asked the servants. "Sorry young lady, the father of the young master passed away several years ago. The young master was abandoned when he was a child. Forgive young master if the young master got it wrong. The young master didn't have a younger sister before, so he doesn't know how to deal with girls like young ladies," answered the servants. I was surprised to hear it. I never thought that the father of my two half brothers had passed away. And the two boys are still standing strong. They are really great boys. Whatever the conditions of the family, they are still together. Very different and the opposite of my family. "Oh, I see. Madame must be a strong and great woman. She can raise two children even without her husband. " "Yes, Madame is a strong and great woman."
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